A career in entrepreneurship from 4-H participation and college

As youth participate in 4-H, project areas can lead to a career as an entrepreneur.

Did you know that a 4-H project area can lead to a career? Also, think about this, did you know that a 4-H project area can lead to a career as an entrepreneur? Here’s a way to define an entrepreneur; a person who assumes the risk of running his or her own business. It can start with the skills learned from the 4-H project area, leading to a passion relating to the project area, and finding a way to turn the skills and passion into a business.

According to Michigan State University Extension, some skills for entrepreneurship are business management, marketing, finance, accounting and other items for starting and running a business.

As 4-H members graduate from high school and their 4-H program, there are many opportunities for them to further build their entrepreneurial skills at the college or university level. For example, at Michigan State University, the Eli Broad College of Business offers undergraduate majors in the business field in the departments of Accounting and Information Systems, Finance, Management, Marketing and Supply Chain Management. There is also an industry-specific school within the college called, The School of Hospitality Business. In addition, the following bachelor’s degrees are offered in the Broad College of Business: Accounting, Finance, General Management, Hospitality Business, Human Resource Management, Marketing and Supply Chain Management. Students have an opportunity to specialize in entrepreneurship along with any of these majors. This makes a good educational connection for learning about business and entrepreneurship.

Other college options for a 4-H member seeking to become an entrepreneur is to major in the skill and passion that is related to a 4-H project area. For example, a 4-H member gains knowledge, a skill and an interest in business from participating in the livestock project area. He or she can pursue a major in Animal Science to learn more about the project and other business-related principles to become an entrepreneur.

4-H has opportunities for youth to learn more about entrepreneurship through the Be the “E” curriculum. Build Your Future: Choices…Connections…Careers curriculum is another resource for entrepreneurship which was written by MSU Extension educators. Entrepreneurship is offered through Michigan 4-H Youth Development by providing educational resources and sessions, workshops, seminars, programs and events. Take advantage of what 4-H offers in entrepreneurship to help provide learning opportunities and a future of becoming an entrepreneur.

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