Central Michigan vegetable update – June 6, 2018

Spring work is progressing in Michigan’s central region.

Peas are blooming in central Michigan. Photo by Fred Springborn, MSU Extension.


Air temperatures have been somewhat variable with highs in the mid-80s to low 90s for much of the end of May, and lower high temperatures struggling to make 70 for the first few days of June. Soil temperatures have been in the mid- to upper 60s to mid-70s, which is quite adequate for planting cold-sensitive seeds.

Soil conditions have been generally wet with well-drained soils drying out enough for planting and other spring work between rain events.


Early planted potatoes have emerged with adequate stands and hilling has begun. A significant portion of the crop has been planted later than intended and those potatoes are emerging. A few growers are still planting as of Wednesday, June 6.

First plantings of peas are blooming with additional planting ongoing.

Asparagus harvest continues with asparagus beetle noted in many fields.

Dry bean and snap bean planting is underway on lighter, well-drained soils.

Many market gardeners are finishing up planting and transplanting of frost-sensitive crops. There was a delay due to rain and wet soils.

Sweet corn planting continues with early planted corn at V5 to V6. Much improvement in color was noted over the Memorial Day weekend. Now attention to nutrient deficiencies should be a priority as some nutrients, especially nitrogen, may have been lost due to leaching.


Various white grub species are present and feeding. Japanese beetle larvae are among those and they will begin to pupate soon.

Colorado potato beetle adults and eggs are present.

We did see a few black cutworm adults that were likely blown in by the remnants of tropical storm Alberto last week. To this point, I have not seen or heard of any significant damage this season from larvae. Continue scouting for the larvae of this pest in susceptible crops for another couple of weeks.

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