Comment period for Michigan Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices closes soon

Now is the time to comment on the proposed changes for 2024. The comment deadline is Aug. 25, 2023.

Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices (GAAMPs) are guidelines that were developed as a result of the 1981 Michigan Right to Farm Act, P.A. 93. These guidelines were developed to protect the environment and enhance the sustainability of Michigan’s agrifood system. Farmers who adopt GAAMPs are also provided a level of protection against nuisance lawsuits. Current GAAMPs have been established for: care of farm animals; cranberry production; farm markets; irrigation water use; manure management/utilization; nutrient utilization; pesticide utilization-pest control; and site selection and odor control for new and expanding livestock facilities.

Every year, committees of experts review and propose updates to the GAAMPs. Farmers and other key stakeholders are encouraged to review the proposed changes and submit comments by the deadline. The comment deadline is Aug. 25 at 5 p.m. and is quickly approaching. Comments will be accepted via email and U.S. mail, and a virtual public meeting at 1 p.m. on Aug. 25, 2023. All comments received by the deadline will be taken into consideration.

Review the proposed 2024 GAAMPs.

You can submit your comments in three ways:

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