Container gardening

Want to grow some plants on your porch or deck, but not too sure how to get started?  Don’t have room for a big garden in your back yard?  Live in an apartment or condominium without lots of yard?  Whatever your reason to explore container gardening, you should check out the new tip sheet on container gardening for sunny locations.  Vegetables, herbs, flowers and much more.  Create a garden right in your outdoor living space.

Worried trees or buildings are causing too much shade in the area you want to plant?  You, too, can have a container garden if you’ve got a few hours of sunlight and a container that can hold potting mix, but drain water.  Learn more about some fun annuals to grow in the shade.

Combination of torenia, geranium and other plants  Lettuces
Left, This combination of torenia, geranium, and some other plants makes a great
shade container. Right, Lettuces can be combined into a fun and tasty container
garden that can be cut weekly.

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