Enterprise budget tool available for feedlot producers

Enterprise budgets are an economic tool used to forecast profitability. The Excel tool presents budgets for both beef and Holstein cattle at different placement weights.

A feedlot of beef cows

An enterprise budget tool for feedlot producers is available on the MSU Extension website. Enterprise budgets are used to forecast economic profitability. This tool presents budgets for both beef and Holstein cattle at different placement weights. The tool is customizable so that an operation’s specific values, including rations, can be entered and subsequent profitability calculated. Accompanying slides are also available that detail the purpose of enterprise budgets, why opportunity costs are important to include, sections of the budget (revenue, operating and yardage costs), and how to conduct a sensitivity analysis.

If you need help with the tool, please contact Dr. Melissa McKendree (mckend14@msu.edu) or your beef or farm management educator.



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