Leveraging State funding

Measuring the state's investment in MSU AgBioResearch and MSU Extension.

AgBioResearch/MSU Extension Leverage Economic Stimulus and Community Benefits (millions of dollars)
AgBioResearch/MSU Extension Leverage Economic Stimulus and Community Benefits (millions of dollars)

The state’s $61.9 million investment in MSU AgBioResearch and MSU Extension generated a total impact of more than $1 billion for Michigan residents in 2016-17.

Every dollar the state invested in MSU AgBioResearch and MSU Extension resulted in:

  • LEVERAGE of an additional $2.50 in federal funds and external contracts, grants and other revenues to serve Michigan residents.
  • COMMUNITY BENEFITS worth an additional $6.22 to the state and nation.

When the leveraged funds and community benefits are added to the initial investment, they yield a net ECONOMIC STIMULUS valued at more than $480 million in state economic activity and state tax revenues.

Combining the above effects, along with the additional tax revenue, returns to the state economic and social benefits in a BENEFIT/COST RATIO of 18:1.

Continuing to invest in MSU AgBioResearch and MSU Extension is vital to the state’s economy, our communities and our residents.

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