Preventing and treating mosquito bites

Be prepared to treat those surprising mosquito bites.

Regardless of the time of year, pesky mosquitoes can leave irritating, itchy bites on people. What do you do to ward off mosquitoes? Are your methods safe and effective? Michigan State University Extension will explore how you can prevent them and limit bites as well as treating bites.  

Mosquitoes love water and anything wet for that matter. They lay their egg on the water and only need a quarter of an inch of water to lay eggs for breeding and starting a new family of mosquitoes. First things first, make sure that you don’t have any standing water on your property, and if you do get rid of it. When it rains, make sure you do a walk around your property so that you don’t have a spot for them to breed.

You can try to plant citronella, catnip, rosemary and marigold in your yard to remedy the situation if you want to have more of a natural approach. You can use citronella candles because mosquitoes don’t like them at all. Citronella candles are effective but if you are using them outside you should remember to be mindful of the wind as it will make the candles less effective.

If you are bit by a mosquito it is best to wash the area quickly or take an alcohol swab and wipe it off. You can also use witch hazel and plain water as well. You want to clean it as quickly as possible because the mosquito saliva is what causes the itching. Once it is clean you can use an anti-itch cream or some calamine lotion to sooth it. Refrain from scratching it because that will only make the area where you were bit more irritable.   

MSU Extension recommends that covering young babies while they are outside to prevent them from being bit. If you child does get bit, nothing sooths them and it seems like an allergic reaction, contact you doctor immediately.

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