Resolve to have a great 4-H year

4-H club resolutions for the New Year!

As we start to think ahead to the New Year, how can 4-H clubs resolve to improve in the year ahead? Here are ten suggestions from Michigan State University Extension to make the upcoming year a successful one.

Resolve that:

  1. Club meetings will start and end on time.
  2. Business meetings will follow Robert's Rules of Order and that all club paperwork, such as minutes, club inventory and financial statements, will be completed in a timely manner.
  3. All members will take part in discussions and have a say in decisions that are made. Keep a chart with each members’ name and when they speak at business meetings.
  4. The club meeting place will be a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment for all club members.
  5. Fun will be included in each meeting.
  6. A learning activity will be included in each club meeting. Ideas include exploring a new 4-H curriculum, having members volunteer to do a demonstration, doing a show and tell about each members' favorite project, or bringing in a guest speaker.
  7. The club will pursue at least one community service project chosen, planned and celebrated by the club.
  8. New members will have a buddy they may talk with about any 4-H questions.
  9. The 4-H pledge will be said at every meeting.
  10. Every club member will be recognized in some way to let them know they are cared about.

In addition, make a resolution to do a club activity around each of the seven Guiding Principles for Positive Youth Development, discussing the effective practice of each principle.

In December of next year, review your club resolutions and Guiding Principles activities. Measure as a club how many resolutions were obtained.

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