Vineyard manager survey to measure interest in novel cold protection practice

Input from wine grape growers through this survey will help researchers determine interest in a method to protect popular grape varieties from extreme cold.

Photo: Duke Elsner, MSU Extension.
Photo: Duke Elsner, MSU Extension.

The polar vortex events of 2014 and 2015 reminded us that plantings of the most popular grape varieties are risky since they are the most vulnerable to cold damage. Thanks to a variety of winter protection methods such as soil hilling, many of these cold tender varieties have recovered and have been grown successfully. However, there has been a high cost to produce a yield of optimum quantity at a competitive price from these varieties grown in our climatically challenged region. The good news is there are alternate methods to soil hilling with less negative impact on the grapevine and the environment.

Please take a 16-question survey by Feb. 10 so we can gauge your interest in this novel method. Completing the survey will take less than 10 minutes.

Access the survey at: New Mulch Delivery System for Vineyards Survey

Imed Dami from The Ohio State University is leading a new effort on grapevine cold hardiness and has developed the survey for wine grape growers. He will be collecting and sharing the results of the survey across the entire Midwest. Your feedback is greatly appreciated on this important issue that keeps threatening the growth and sustainability of the grape and wine industry in Michigan. Thank you.

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