
All Publications (View all Knudson’s publications on Google Scholar sorted by year)

Selected Publications

Conner, David S., Knudson, William A., Hamm, Michael W., Peterson, Christopher. 2009. The Food System as an Economic Driver: Strategies and Results in Michigan. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 3 (4): 371-383.

Knudson, W. A., Peterson, C. (2007). In Taylor, W. W., Wolfson, L. G. (Ed.), Globalization and worth of fishery resources in an integrated market-based system (pp. 453-467). Cambridge University Press.

William A. Knudson, Allen Wysocki, Joseph Champagne, and H. Christopher Peterson (2004).  “Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Agri-Food System.”  American Journal of Agricutural Economics, Vol. 86. No. 5 (1330-1336).

William A. Knudson (2001).  “Public Research Universities and the Private Sector:  Engine of Economic Growth or Captive of Special Intersts”.  Choices (Second Quarter 2001):  31-35.