Past Exhibition: Michael Magnotta

August 5, 2022

"My journey in the arts began some 35 years ago in photography. Architectural studies broadened my artistic horizons as I learned how the integration of materials in a thoughtful design impacts the environment.  It is a seamless transition from architecture to sculpture. Direct metal sculpture using the remnants and cast-­offs of our mass-­produced society to create art is where I find expression today. With inspiration from the masters my work arises from mu experiences and things I love – jazz, space, nature, mankind, and beauty in all its manifestations. The Japanese aesthetic of wabi­sabi, beauty in the imperfect and the natural time-worn patina, resonates in my art.

My sculptures typically begin with a trip to the metal yard. There I gather my palette, such as a painter chooses their paints. From the shapes and textures I cull, a conversation takes place – a visual conversation – that results in the three dimensional work that comprises my oeuvre."

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