Journal Articles
A list of journal articles published by CSIS members, including 3 cover stories in Nature, 24 appearances in Science, and 17 in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America).
Books and Book Chapters
Selected books (edited books) and book chapters published by CSIS members.
Impacts of Cash Transfer Programs on Rural Livelihoods: a Case Study in the Brazilian Amazon Estuary
Published on October 4, 2017
We conducted a large household survey in a region of the Amazon estuary in Brazil to investigate the dependence of small farming households on government cash transfers and to identify the main factors that lead to better livelihood outcomes. -
Accounting for ecosystem services in compensating for the costs of effective conservation in protected areas
Published on October 3, 2017
Protected areas are a major approach for conserving ecosystem services globally. Effective conservation in protected areas must integrate human livelihoods into the design and management of conservation. -
Reassessing the conservation status of the giant panda using remote sensing
Published on September 26, 2017
The conservation status of the iconic giant panda is a barometer of global conservation efforts. -
Mapping the hotspots and coldspots of ecosystem services in conservation priority setting
Published on September 14, 2017
Spatial-explicitly mapping of the hotspots and coldspots is a vital link in the priority setting for ecosystem services (ES) conservation -
Seeding an arbitrary convention in capuchin monkeys: The effect of social context
Published on September 14, 2017
We conducted an open diffusion experiment to determine whether capuchins would learn an arbitrary convention from a knowledgeable demonstrator. -
Spatially explicit quantification of the interactions among ecosystem services
Published on September 14, 2017
We propose a framework to map ES in continuous time-series, based on which we further quantify interactions among multiple ES. -
SCIENCE -- A looming tragedy of the sand commons
Published on September 5, 2017
Between 1900 and 2010, the global volume of natural resources used in buildings and transport infrastructure increased 23 fold. Sand and gravel are the largest portion of these primary material inputs (79% or 28.6 Gigatons per year in 2010) -
Effects of biochar on dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene and the bacterial community in paddy soil
Published on August 31, 2017
This study investigated the effects of amending paddy soil with wheat straw biochar on both the dechlorination of hexachlorobenzene (HCB), a typical highly chlorinated contaminant, and on the structure of soil bacteria communities. -
LAND -- The Sino-Brazilian Telecoupled Soybean System and Cascading Effects for the Exporting Country
Published on August 31, 2017
We use the telecoupling framework to analyze (i) the international trade dynamics between Brazil and China as the cause of the increased production of Brazilian soybean since 2000. -
Quantifying changes in water use and groundwater availability in a megacity using novel integrated systems modeling
Published on August 31, 2017
Water sustainability in megacities is a growing challenge with far-reaching effects. -
Spatial Co-Occurrence and Activity Patterns of Mesocarnivores in the Temperate Forests of Southwest China
Published on August 15, 2017
Understanding the interactions between species and their coexistence mechanisms will help explain biodiversity maintenance and enable managers to make sound conservation decisions. -
Shared resources between giant panda and sympatric wild and domestic mammals
Published on August 15, 2017
In this paper, we systematically surveyed for species occurrence in the southwestern China during 2008–2013, to better understand the interactions between giant panda and four sympatric large mammal species. -
Science to action: decision-support to advance stream trout management in a changing climate
Published on August 12, 2017
Our research demonstrates the utility of synthesizing multiple information sources to facilitate efficient, effective decision-making amid complex fisheries management environments in a changing climate. -
FISHERIES -- The telecoupling framework: an integrative tool for enhancing fisheries management
Published on August 12, 2017
Apply the telecoupling framework to better understand the impacts of local and more distant socioeconomic and environmental interactions that alter fisheries productivity. -
The Fenske Fellowship: professional growth, personal inspiration, and a fisheries legacy
Published on August 7, 2017
The Janice Lee Fenske Excellence in Fisheries Management Fellowship (Fenske Fellowship) honors Jan’s legacy by providing financial support for a fisheries student to engage in a rich university-agency mentoring experience in fisheries management. -
Women rise to the challenges of fisheries conservation
Published on August 7, 2017
Sadler, Taylor, and Demmer raise their drinks and declare a toast, "To the new class of MSU Fly Gals; welcome to the Au Sable!" -
Range-wide evaluation of wildlife habitat change: A demonstration using Giant Pandas
Published on July 21, 2017
Information on wildlife habitat distribution and change is crucial for the design and evaluation of conservation efforts. -
Top 40 questions in coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) research
Published on June 30, 2017
Understanding and managing coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) is a central challenge of the 21st century, but more focus is needed to pursue the most important questions within this vast field given limited research capacity and funding. -
Hidden roles of protected areas in the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services
Published on June 26, 2017
Using field and remotely sensed data, we evaluated how representative of the plant biodiversity pool and of carbon sequestration is a network of nature reserves specifically established for the conservation of a target species, the giant panda. -
The contribution of lakes to global inland fisheries harvest
Published on June 26, 2017
Freshwater ecosystems provide numerous services for communities worldwide, including irrigation, hydropower, and municipal water; however, the services provided by inland fisheries...