Journal Articles
A list of journal articles published by CSIS members, including 3 cover stories in Nature, 24 appearances in Science, and 17 in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America).
Books and Book Chapters
Selected books (edited books) and book chapters published by CSIS members.
Shared resources between giant panda and sympatric wild and domestic mammals
Published on August 15, 2017
In this paper, we systematically surveyed for species occurrence in the southwestern China during 2008–2013, to better understand the interactions between giant panda and four sympatric large mammal species. -
Science to action: decision-support to advance stream trout management in a changing climate
Published on August 12, 2017
Our research demonstrates the utility of synthesizing multiple information sources to facilitate efficient, effective decision-making amid complex fisheries management environments in a changing climate. -
FISHERIES -- The telecoupling framework: an integrative tool for enhancing fisheries management
Published on August 12, 2017
Apply the telecoupling framework to better understand the impacts of local and more distant socioeconomic and environmental interactions that alter fisheries productivity. -
The Fenske Fellowship: professional growth, personal inspiration, and a fisheries legacy
Published on August 7, 2017
The Janice Lee Fenske Excellence in Fisheries Management Fellowship (Fenske Fellowship) honors Jan’s legacy by providing financial support for a fisheries student to engage in a rich university-agency mentoring experience in fisheries management. -
Women rise to the challenges of fisheries conservation
Published on August 7, 2017
Sadler, Taylor, and Demmer raise their drinks and declare a toast, "To the new class of MSU Fly Gals; welcome to the Au Sable!" -
Range-wide evaluation of wildlife habitat change: A demonstration using Giant Pandas
Published on July 21, 2017
Information on wildlife habitat distribution and change is crucial for the design and evaluation of conservation efforts. -
Top 40 questions in coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) research
Published on June 30, 2017
Understanding and managing coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) is a central challenge of the 21st century, but more focus is needed to pursue the most important questions within this vast field given limited research capacity and funding. -
Hidden roles of protected areas in the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services
Published on June 26, 2017
Using field and remotely sensed data, we evaluated how representative of the plant biodiversity pool and of carbon sequestration is a network of nature reserves specifically established for the conservation of a target species, the giant panda. -
The contribution of lakes to global inland fisheries harvest
Published on June 26, 2017
Freshwater ecosystems provide numerous services for communities worldwide, including irrigation, hydropower, and municipal water; however, the services provided by inland fisheries... -
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS -- Climate variability and trends at a national scale
Published on June 12, 2017
Examining the daily minutia of climate, not just temperature, but also sunshine, precipitation and soil moisture simultaneously all over a country gives a better understanding of how variable a land’s climate can be. -
METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION - Quantifying apart what belongs together: A multi-state species distribution modelling framework for species using distinct habitats
Published on June 9, 2017
Species distribution models (SDMs) have been used to inform scientists and conservationists about the status and change in occurrence patterns in threatened species. We address this issue by intro- ducing a multi-state SDM framework. -
Modeling activity patterns of wildlife using time- series analysis
Published on May 30, 2017
The study of wildlife activity patterns is an effective approach to understanding fundamental ecological and evolutionary processes -
Reply to Bridgewater and Babin: Need for a new protected area category for ecosystem services
Published on May 30, 2017
We thank Bridgewater and Babin for their perspective. We are aware of, and appreciate, the consideration of ecosystem services in the management of Biosphere Reserves. -
Tangible geospatial modeling for collaborative solutions to invasive species management
Published on March 28, 2017
Gaps between scientific theory and application have typically limited opportunities for model-based knowledge to reach the stakeholders responsible for problem-solving. To address this challenge, we introduce Tangible Landscape. -
Divergent responses of sympatric species to livestock encroachment at fine spatiotemporal scales
Published on March 21, 2017
Livestock are a major human-induced threat to wildlife worldwide, especially in forest landscapes where livestock degrade the food and habitat of forest-dwelling wildlife -
ELEMENTA - SCIENCE OF THE ANTHROPOCENE -- Telecoupling framework for research on migratory species in the Anthropocene
Published on March 5, 2017
We apply the telecoupling framework to Kirtland’s warblers (Setophaga kirtlandii ), a conservation-reliant migratory songbird. -
Otolith chemistry indicates walleye movement and entrainment in a large serial reservoir system
Published on February 25, 2017
Otolith chemistry is useful for understanding walleye movement and is a tool for fisheries management with applications such as informing reservoir water releases, harvest regulations and habitat protection and rehabilitation.. -
JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE -- Telecoupled land-use changes in distant countries
Published on February 16, 2017
A study of the spatial attributes of soybean land changes within and among trading countries at the same time. -
Strengthening protected areas for biodiversity and ecosystem services in China
Published on February 1, 2017
We report a nationwide assessment for China, quantifying the provision of threatened species habitat and four key regulating services—water retention, soil retention, sandstorm prevention, and carbon sequestration—in nature reserves. -
A Review of Ecosystem Services Studies: Concept, Approach and Future Work in Korea
Published on January 26, 2017
We aimed to introduce the concept of Ecosystem Service (ES) and related terminologies such as Social-Ecological Systems (SESs), ecosystem function, trade-off, and human well-being in this paper.