Cows, courses and careers: Animal Science Career Quest introduces youth to the many educational and career paths that exist in animal science
Published on May 9, 2022
Animal Science Career Quest is a joint program of Michigan 4-H and the MSU Department of Animal Science. The event introduced youth ages 12-19 to the many animal science programs available at MSU and where those educational efforts could take them. -
Michigan 4-H Foundation re-opens mini-grants and awards for applications
Published on August 10, 2021
The Michigan 4-H Foundation has re-opened the grant application period from Aug. 9 to Sept. 9, 2021 for several mini-grant opportunities up to $1,000 to support local 4-H projects for the 2021-2022 program year. -
Animal welfare at the fair: Water consumption
Published on July 22, 2021
Learn ways to keep animals drinking and hydrated during the fair. -
Animal welfare at the fair: Heat stress
Published on July 14, 2021
Learn how to mitigate heat stress for animals during fair season. -
Animal welfare at the fair: Thermoregulation and thermoneutral zone
Published on July 12, 2021
Understanding how livestock thermoregulation and thermoneutral are important in providing excellent animal care. -
Michigan 4-H Foundation offers mini-grants up to $1,000 for local programs
Published on April 2, 2021
The Michigan 4-H Foundation has announced grant and award opportunities of up to $1,000 to support local 4-H clubs and county programs for the 2021-2022 program year. -
Top four strategies for keeping your 4-H animal projects healthy in cold weather
Published on December 8, 2020
Use these four steps to help keep your 4-H animals healthy during the long Michigan winters. -
Showcasing the science in animal science
Published on December 8, 2020
Take a deeper look at the science involved in animal production. -
Record keeping: Now where did I put that information?
Published on July 16, 2020
Keeping records is important when raising market animals. -
Michigan State University Extension releases COVID-19 Hazard Assessment and Mitigation Program (CHAMP) e-tool to support the agriculture industry
Published on June 24, 2020
The MSU Extension CHAMP e-tool will assist farms and businesses involved in agriculture with developing a written COVID-19 control plan.