How to protect and increase pollinators in your landscape
Published on May 1, 2019
Protecting & enhancing pollinators in urban landscapes (US North Central Rgn) helps you attract pollinators and protect them from pesticides. Download full publication or click articles below to view sections of publication. Author: David Smitley, MSU
Michigan Beekeeping Rules and Regulations
Published on November 14, 2023
This bulletin outlines the rules, regulations, and recommendations for keeping honey bees in Michigan. -
Keep your bees safe from bears
Published on November 2, 2023
Bears can be a big problem for Michigan beekeepers -
Supporting Beekeepers & Protecting Pollinators
Published on July 24, 2023
MSU Extension’s apiculture team provides information and resources for beekeepers to improve honey bee management and health. This outreach is done through various channels. -
Michigan Managed Pollinator Protection Plan
Published on November 8, 2022
The purpose of Michigan’s Managed Pollinator Protection Plan (MP3) is to improve and protect the health of pollinators in Michigan, while simultaneously protecting our crops, property, and human health. -
National Managed Pollinator Protection Plans Working Group
Published on October 21, 2022
The Managed Pollinator Protection Plans (MP3) working group was established in 2020 through a North Central IPM Center grant. This group facilitates a coordinated effort for sharing resources and eliminating redundant efforts. -
Guía del Cuidado de Polinizadores de Hortalizas (Vegetable Pollinator Stewardship Guide in Spanish)
Published on June 2, 2022
Esta Guía del cuidado de polinizadores puede ayudar a los productores de hortalizas a apoyar a los polinizadores en sus granjas y demostrar las medidas que están tomando para ayudar. -
MSU Extension Provides Viable Options for Ag and Solar Integration
Published on May 12, 2022
Michigan aims to achieve economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2050 and maintain net negative greenhouse gas emissions thereafter. -
Bees of the Great Lakes Region and Wildflowers to Support Them
Published on September 9, 2021
This pocket-sized, 110-page guide introduces bees of the Great Lakes region and their favored native plants – wildflowers. -
Guía de Manejo de los Polinizadores de los Arándanos (Blueberry Pollinator Stewardship Guide in Spanish)
Published on June 29, 2021
Esta guía de cuidado de polinizadores les puede ayudar a los productores de arándano a brindar apoyo a los polinizadores en sus fincas y a mostrar los pasos que están tomando para ayudar. -
Vegetable Pollinator Stewardship Guide
Published on April 16, 2021
This vegetable pollinator stewardship guide highlights practices to support pollinator health. This guide is part of the Michigan Managed Pollinator Protection Plan.