Common Chickweed


bindweed, winterweed, satin flower, starweed, chicken-weed, white bird's-eye

Stellaria media

Primarily a winter annual, common chickweed is frequently found growing in the mulch skirts of shade trees. In general, common chickweed prefers shaded sites with moist soils. The vegetation forms mounds that are 3-7 inches tall. The delicate white-to-pink flowers appear early in the spring. Plants can persist in protected areas well after flowering.

  • Crops Affected: turf


    Common chickweed has a poorly developed root system as is a great candidate for mechanical removal (pulling). As a winter annual, chickweed is often an indicator of poor turf density. Outbreaks of chickweed in open areas will quickly die out in the spring. This production of new seed ensures a crop of chickweed for the following season. Improved turf density is critical to reducing common chickweed infestations.

    Similar Species

    Common chickweed can be confused with mouseear chickweed. This is due to the similarity in flowers. The mouseear chickweed has more elliptical leaves that are covered with hairs. The flowers petals of mouseear chickweed are cleft or notched at the apex not deeply divided like that of common chickweed.