Creeping Bentgrass


bent, creeping bent

Agrostis palustris

Creeping bentgrass is a spreading cool-season perennial grass that is commonly used for golf course greens, tees and fairways. Like other grasses, bentgrass can be considered a weed when it is present in another species.

Because bentgrass spreads by stolons, it is possible for bentgrass to encroach adjacent turf areas. Irrigation is almost always required for bentgrass to survive beyond where it is planted.

Bentgrass becomes very 'puffy' when maintained at mowing heights above one inch.

  • Crops Affected: turf


    Creeping bentgrass likely indicates adequate-to-moist soils. It will not thrive in shaded conditions. Cultural management is difficult as it will respond positively to most turfgrass maintenance practices.

    Selective removal of patches may be accomplished by solarizing the affected area. Clear plastic can be fixed over the affected area for five-to-seven days. The resultant smothering and radiation (heat) will kill all turf under the plastic. The area can be immediately re-seeded.

    Similar Species

    Creeping bentgrass is most often intermixed with annual bluegrass. At very low mowing heights is can be difficult to distinguish at a glance. The leaves of bentgrass are much rougher and without a prominent folded midrib as compared to the smooth texture and folded vernation of annual bluegrass.

    Creeping bentgrass may also be confused with bermudagrass and nimblewill. Bermudagrass is covered with hairs with very coarse stolons. Nimlbewill lacks the hairs of bermudagrass but has a very wiry appearance with longer internodes.