Orange Hawkweed


orange paintbrush, red daisy, missionary weed

Hieracium aurantiacum

Orange hawkweed is a creeping perennial of low maintenance turf, roadsides and native areas. It can be an indicator of low soil fertility or slightly acidic soils. Hawkweed spreads by stolons and rhizomes creating colonies that form patches. The leaves lay flat to the ground and overlap and will smother non-vigorous turf. All parts of hawkweed are conspicuously hairy and, like dandelion, will exude a white milky sap when broken. Bright orange flowers form in clusters at the top of the 10-20 inch hairy mostly leafless stalks.

  • Crops Affected: turf


    Hawkweed is an indication of poor or acidic soils or low fertility. Improving the growing conditions for the turf, raising the mowing height and increasing fertilization, will almost certainly minimize the ability of hawkweed to compete with the turfgrass.

    Similar Species

    Orange and yellow hawkweed have almost identical vegetative characteristics. The main and most obvious difference is the flower color.