Ocean Explorers - Madison

IMG_7309Madison is an Education Specialist at an aquarium in Massachusetts and volunteering her time for these lessons. She has always been a self-proclaimed “fish nerd” and has been fascinated with marine life for as long as she can remember.

Although she is currently working as a science communicator, Madison’s background is in the arts! She earned a BFA in acting from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, and worked as an actor in New York City after graduating. Throughout school and after, Madison devoted her free time to learning about the ocean and its inhabitants. The more she learned, the more concerned she became about the way human behavior was affecting ocean health. She decided she wanted to use her acting training to help scientists communicate their findings to the public, and inspire people to take a more active role in caring for the ocean. She took an internship at the New England Aquarium in 2018, and has been working there ever since!