Becoming a 4-H youth health ambassador

Michigan 4-H youth health ambassadors can be the voice to the solutions youth face surrounding health throughout our state.

As we continue to look at the many health issues that plague youth, we sometimes wonder what can be done to change the situation. Sometimes people look to the government, companies and interest groups to provide some solutions to the health issues they face. As people continue to look for new and innovative ways to tackle these issues, many never think to look to the youth themselves.

Youth are smart and level headed when it comes to fighting for something they believe in. Allowing them to flourish and tackle that issue head-on is even better because it empowers them to be more creative and invokes them to be role models amongst their peers. 4-H is all about experiential learning and allowing youth to learn by doing.

There may be youth that have a strong interest in nutrition, physical fitness or personal safety; encourage those youth to take up that issue and be the ones to lead the community or 4-H club on those very issues. Encourage them to learn more about the issues, what’s currently being done and what they can do to help. Encourage them to contact their local Michigan State University Extension office to see what programs are happening around the state or statewide committees they could be a part of to be that change agent.

These youth can be 4-H youth ambassadors for the state through MSU Extension. They can be the voice to the solutions that youth face surrounding health throughout our state. They can be future leaders that decide the policy that will play into how youth health issues are handled in the time to come.

Inquire about 4-H healthy living ambassadors and the statewide Healthy Living Program Committee at your local MSU Extension office or call the state 4-H office at 517-432-7575 for more information.

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