Milk and Grain Marketing series offers strategies to optimize farm profitability

Do you have your marketing plan in place for 2020? Register for the Milk and Grain Marketing Series to help with your marketing decisions.

Calf in front of grain bin

The commodity price outlook in 2020 for corn, soybeans, wheat, milk and meat is filled with uncertainty. Weather, trade, tariffs, land rental rates and input costs all contribute to this uncertainty. Being a good producer is only part to the equation for farm success. Marketing skills are becoming just as important as production skill for the farm to be profitable.

As we enter into a new year, it’s a good time to improve your marketing skills. The volatility and uncertainty in the market makes us realize how important it is to have a well thought out plan in place now so we can pull the trigger when the market gives us an opportunity to sell at a profit.

To assist farmers making marketing decisions, a Milk and Grain Marketing Series will be held starting March 10, 2020, and will meet quarterly on June 9, Sept. 8 and Dec. 8. Fred Hinkley, Michigan State University Extension educator emeritus and marketing specialist, will provide insight and outlook on the milk and grain markets and suggest strategies to minimize financial risk.

Agriculture markets are more volatile than ever. For most farms, profits are largely determined by how well you market your production. Now more than ever your farm’s future success depends on your ability to understand the markets and use the basic marketing tools.

The meetings will be held at the Isabella County Building Room 320, 200 N. Main Street, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The cost for attending these meetings will be $400 per farm. This will cover all four meetings and will not limit the number from each farm/agribusiness that may attend.

Pre-registration is encouraged by March 5. You can register for the program online at Milk and Grain Marketing Series 2020.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 989-317-4079, 989-560-1371 or

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