Fig: Cooking Series A-Z with SSG Sadler- Part 9a

Cook with fig for stronger bones.

As we move into the summer months and we acquire lighter dishes to choose from, fig is a great ingredient to incorporate into meals.

Figs can be traced back to biblical times and were thought to be the first fruit cultivated in Egypt.  Figs were a staple food in ancient Greece and laws were created to forbid its export to other places. 

Figs grow on a ficus tree and are dried naturally from exposure to the sun.  There are more than 150 varieties of figs throughout the world; coming in different colors and sizes.  The flesh of figs also varies in color as well. 

Figs have many health benefits, such as promoting bone density due to a large amount of calcium.  They also help lower high blood pressure and are aids in weight loss because they are packed with fiber. Figs are full of antioxidants, potassium, vitamin B6 and manganese which helps develop a healthy bone structure.

Today Michigan State University Extension will create a fig salad. 

Fig and Pear salad
Servings: 4

6 cups assorted mixed greens
6 figs cut into quarters
3 pears cored and sliced
1 cup bleu cheese
1 cup roasted chopped walnuts


1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon oregano
2 Teaspoon balsamic vinegar


  1. Place even amounts of lettuce on four plates.  Cut the figs into quarters. Cut pears into 1/2 inch slices.
  2. In a pan heat roasted walnut until you smell a rich nutty scent.  Remove from heat, let cool and then chop.
  3. In a glass jar or container with a lid, combine all the ingredients for the vinaigrette and shake very well.
  4. On the four plates evenly distribute the figs, pears, walnuts and cheese on top of the mixed greens.
  5. Drizzle the salad with the vinaigrette and enjoy.

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