Find healthier comfort foods this holiday season

When looking for comfort foods, search out foods that contain less starch or sugar content.

This is the time of year we begin to snuggle in and rest our souls with comfort food. With Holidays and cloudy days, it is hard to monitor our food intake and be aware of the type of foods we are eating. But, it is important to pay attention to the types of foods we eat.

Comfort food is generally a starchy, sugary food that we tend to mindlessly eat bringing us emotional comfort. Here are a couple tips that may help the way you use comfort food while becoming more aware of what we are eating and choosing to make it healthy comfort food.

Our moods effect what we eat and many times how much we eat. So become aware of how you are feeling when you go to grab sweets or starchy foods. It is not wrong to eat comfort foods but becoming aware of your mood at the time can help you limit what and how much you eat. Tasting each bit while undistracted.

It is suggested by Cornell University to read the nutritional facts on the foods you are eating. That tends to help us visually become aware of the calories we may be consuming.

Since we are trying to eat altogether healthier what are some options of healthy choices. If it is sugary treats you are looking for choose fruit instead. They are full of healthy vitamins and minerals and have natural sweetness that can fill you up. If you want to add a twist on that freeze them and eat them as frozen treats.

A conscious healthy snack choice may be popcorn, a good choice because it is a whole grain, just leave off the butter. Use other flavorings, such as spices, dry flavorings or cheese. Drizzle it with honey, add nuts, raisins and more be creative and conscious of what you are adding.

Michigan State University recommends becoming aware of the comfort foods you eat. When looking ahead to the holidays and winter days it is important to be aware of the foods we eat.

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