Gladwin County Program Highlights 2018

For the program highlights: MSU Extension made a difference in the lives of Gladwin County residents through educational programs and resources.

Calculator, a pen, and a $10 bill in a photo.
Budgeting classes help residents understand their limited resources and provide skills to help plan for homeownership.


MSU Extension’s team of knowledgeable financial pros demystify common money and homeownership best practices with universitybacked, research-based programs and resources to help Michigan residents navigate through whatever fiscal challenges life throws their way. In 2018, the team provided money management education, foreclosure triage, education counseling and Step-Forward Michigan assistance in Gladwin County.


Katie Breault shows Emily Heyer how to shear in the 4-H Teen Leader “Sheep Shearing” Workshop

4-H is the largest youth development organization in Michigan. Connected at the national level, MSU’s program promotes the traditional 4-H clubs and fair projects, as well as many other leadership and life-skills development opportunities for youth. 4-H provides experiential learning opportunities that allow youth to explore new interests and discover their passion. In 2018 there were 11 4-H clubs in Gladwin County serving 228 youth with 55 adult volunteers. The total number of youth served in Gladwin county was 817.





Two of the many plants and insects that were brought in to the office for identification.

Homeowners often have insect infestations or plant diseases that they are unfamiliar with and need help addressing. MSU Extension provides soil testing, plant and insect identification, disease identification and treatment, Smart Gardening resources, and a toll-free Lawn and Garden hotline. The Gladwin County MSU Extension office is fortunate to have a Master Gardener on staff that assists many customers with basic home gardening concerns.



Extension Educator Kable Thurlow speaking to a crowd about grass–fed beef.

During the past year in Gladwin County, MSU Extension provided farm support and education through individual consultations, workshops, field tours, and research opportunities. Topics included beef production, quality assurance, forages, cover crops, soil health, farm financial management, bull breeding readiness, and farm stress. MSU Extension staff members also provide support for the annual Mid Michigan Farm and Garden Show in the spring. This popular event is always well attended and adds to the economy of the region.



Beaverton preschoolers trying new foods in the “Show Me Nutrition” series.

MSU Extension’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides basic nutrition education and hands-on activities for all ages. Core curricula are designed to help low-income families stretch their food dollars while maintaining good nutrition. Some instruction includes physical activity and cooking techniques that help instill life-long skills. It is estimated that every $1 spent on nutrition education saves as much as $10 in long-term health costs.




Learning to can using up-to-date safe methods reduces the risk of food-borne illnesses.

Providing assistance to help residents and businesses keep food safe is a hallmark of cooperative extension services across the country. In Gladwin County we provided ServSafe education for restaurant staff, home food preservation (canning, freezing and drying,) teen “chopped” cooking challenge, and pressure canner gauge testing.




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