Guide on American and European foulbrood from the Honey Bee Health Coalition

The guide includes information on identifying, testing for, and mitigating American and European foulbrood disease in honey bee colonies

Photo of a brood frame from a honey bee colony with a spotty pattern and sunken brood
Frame with brood that show visible signs of European foulbrood. Photo by Ana Heck, MSU Extension.

European foulbrood and American foulbrood are bacterial diseases that can infect the brood of honey bee colonies. The Honey Bee Health Coalition released a new edition of its guide, "Identifying and Mitigating Foulbrood in Honey Bee Colonies and Reducing the Use of Antibiotics: Information for Beekeepers and Veterinarians." The guide provides information on identifying, testing for, and mitigating American and European foulbrood.

For more information on American foulbrood, see "Diagnosing and Treating American Foulbrood in Honey Bee Colonies" by Meghan Milbrath.

Another useful guide from the Honey Bee Health Coalition is its "Tools for Varroa Management Guide."

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