Improve your vineyard scouting skills with updated guide

The updated and revised Pocket Guide for Grape IPM Scouting in the North Central and Eastern U.S. is now available.

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The grape IPM scouting pocket-sized guide by Rufus Isaacs, Annemiek Schilder, Tom Zabadal and Tim Weigle has just been reprinted with additional and updated information. The guide was last reprinted in 2007 and now includes 132 pages with updated photos, scouting tips, symptoms and signs for the pests and disorders likely to be encountered by grape growers in the North Central and Eastern growing regions. Additions to the reprint include:

  • Tips for soil and tissue sampling
  • How to prepare and submit disease, insect, and nematode samples to labs for testing
  • Estimating wind speeds
  • Some new pests such as spotted wing Drosophila, brown marmorated stink bug and Roesleria root rot.

The latest version of the guide is available through the MSU Extension Bookstore, at $20 for a single copy and $17 each for orders of ten or more. The publication number and title is #-2889, A Pocket Guide for Grape IPM Scouting in the North Central and Eastern United States.

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Examples of updated pages in the pocket-sized scouting guide for

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