Joint 2016 Pan-African Grain Legume and World Cowpea Conference a Success

The Joint Pan-African Grain Legume and World Cowpea Conference, held from February 28 to March 4, 2016 in Livingstone, Zambia, attracted more than 500 scientists, NGOs, and development professionals to the AVANI Hotel.

The conference offered four keynote addresses, eight plenaries, more than 110 oral presentations, and nearly 400 poster presentations for attendees to consider. Oral topics covered abiotic stress, biological nitrogen fixation, economics, value chains and post-harvest handling, gender and youth participation in grain legume value chains, genomics, grain legume breeding and genetics, grain legumes in human nutrition and health, integrated pest management cropping systems, plant pathology, sustainable intensification of cropping systems, sustainable seed systems, technology dissemination and impact, and value addition and processing.




Poster presenations looked at the topics of abiotic stress,biological nitrogen fixation, economics and value chain development, gender and youth, genomics and plant breeding, human nutrition and health, integrated pest management, plant pathology, seed systems, sustainable intensification, technology dissemination and impact assessment, and value addition and food processing.


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