Pesticides registered for use on Michigan hops fact sheet updated for 2014

Review pesticide labels for changes to ensure legal use of pesticides on Michigan-grown hops.

As another season begins in the hopyard, now is a good time to review current pesticide labeling for hops to familiarize yourself with any changes that may have taken place. Labels can and do change. Applying a pesticide out of compliance with the label is a crime and can have major environmental and health repercussions. Making sure that you are using a product in compliance with the law will help prevent costly mistakes that could render your crop unsaleable. The Michigan State University Extension fact sheet “Pesticides registered for use on hops in Michigan 2014” has been updated for 2014 and will also be available for download on the Growing Hops in Michigan and the Great Lakes Region website.

Remember that for pesticide use to be legal, the pesticide must list the crop on the label and be registered in the state where it is to be used. An example of a product that is not legal to use on hops grown in Michigan is Aim EC. Although hops are listed on the label, it clearly states that this product is for use on hops grown in Idaho, Oregon and Washington only. It is not registered for use on hops grown in Michigan. This product is commonly used out West for chemical management of suckers to chemically remove foliage from the lower portion of the bine, and for post-emergence control of broadleaf weeds.

Another product not legal to use on hops grown in Michigan is Gramoxone (paraquat). It is used for chemically stripping lower leaves and for sucker control. Again, hops are listed on the label, but only for use in Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Chateau SW, a preemergence herbicide for established hops, is now approved for use on hops grown in Michigan. The label also lists sucker control for hops when made at a rate of 6 ounces per acre and applied as a directed spray to the lower 2 feet of the hops after they have reached a minimum of 6 feet in height.

Another product legal to use in Michigan that is labeled for directed sprays, vegetative burndown and sucker control in hops is Scythe. The fact sheet lists trade and common names, mode of action codes to help in selecting pesticide rotations to manage resistance, preharvest intervals, reentry intervals, use rates and other information summarized from the label.

As always, before using any pesticide, be sure to read the actual label and supplemental labeling material.

Download the fact sheet here: Pesticides registered for use on hops in Michigan 2014

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