Understanding Tourism for Michigan Communities workshop coming to Grayling
Free tourism workshop offered in Grayling, Michigan by MSU Extension Tourism Team on May 5, 2015.
Michigan State University Extension is offering a free workshop led by members of the Tourism Workgroup of the Greening Michigan Institute. Extension Educators Mark Hitchcock & Bonnie Wichtner-Zoia will be presenting “Understanding Tourism for Michigan Communities” in Grayling, Michigan on Tuesday May 5, 2015 from 6 -8 p.m. This workshop will be held at the Grayling Nature Center in the city park.
This program is being brought to you by the Grayling Regional Chamber of Commerce and Michigan State University Extension.
This offering is a free workshop where you can learn…
- How much money does the tourism industry bring to Michigan?
- Why is global tourism important and what can we learn from it?
- How can niche tourism markets help to sustain communities?
- How does tourism impact ecology, society, and economic development?
- What are strategies to introduce and plan for tourism in your community?
- How to develop strategies to implement in your community
- ….and much, much more!
Though not required to attend, please RSVP for planning purposes by May 1, 2015 to the Grayling Regional Chamber of Commerce at (989) 348-2921 or by email to executivedirector@graylingchamber.com
Interested groups may include, but are not limited to: City, Township, or Village management and elected officials, local planning boards, Economic Development organizations, Chambers of Commerce, CVB’s, business associations, trails councils, service clubs and more. If you would like this program delivered to your group or community, please contact Mark Hitchcock, Extension Educator by email at hitchc27@msu.edu.
Michigan State University Extension offers a variety of programs to provide expertise, education and development of communities throughout the state of Michigan. When Extension professionals cross specializations and listen to input from citizens of Michigan, relevant and life changing programs will be delivered.