What does the USDA Reporting Mandate for SECD mean for producers?

Producers, along with veterinarians and the National Animal Health Laboratory Network are required to report positive PCR tests for Novel Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease to the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Veterinary Services office

The USDA issued a federal order on June 5, 2014 requiring reporting of SECD, which includes PEDv and (PDCov). As the USDA works to implement this ruling, producers are asking what will now be required of them. Beginning on June 5, 2014 producers, along with veterinarians and the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) are required to report positive PCR tests for Novel Swine Enteric Coronavirus Disease to the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Veterinary Services office (USDA APHIS VS) or their state veterinarian’s office. This requirement is for new cases or reoccurrence of the disease and will be mandatory with every positive PCR result, whether clinical signs are present or not.

Producers submitting samples for diagnostic testing must include the Premises identification number (PIN) for the specific site where the sample was taken if a producer does not have a national premises ID number, they may contact the MDARD to receive one. Positive PCR test results will be sent to the MDARD and/or USDA veterinary services office by the diagnostic lab. The producer or veterinarian should also report this result to either MDARD or USDA so that additional information may be collected such as: type of unit being sampled (e.g., sow, nursery, finisher), whether there are clinical signs in the herd and timeframe for development of the herd management plan. This information will be kept on record and used to help the USDA analyze data to support future decisions on effective SECD management.

Once confirmation of the disease has been received producers will be obligated to work with their herd veterinarian to develop and implement a health management plan for their herd. If a producer does not have a herd veterinarian and is unable to find a private veterinarian willing to assist with the herd management plan, federal or state veterinarians will provide that service for the herd owner. The plan will address three major areas including: disease surveillance, biosecurity and documentation of pig movement. Disease surveillance incorporates routine diagnostic testing of your herd to monitor for disease and to help determine the effectiveness of your health management plan. The areas of biosecurity that will be focused on in the plan include: people on the farm, including visitors, farm employees and service providers; pig movement protocols, cleaning and disinfecting processes; vehicle entry and exit procedures and feed movement. Producers will also be required to keep pig movement records for all animals that move on and off of their farm. Another area that should be included in the herd management plan is animal mortality and manure management procedures. At this time templates for health management plans are being developed to aid veterinarians and producers in meeting this requirement.

Although there will be no restrictions placed on positive herds, producers or veterinarians that fail to comply with the reporting and herd management plan development may be subject to penalties by the USDA or state veterinarian’s office. The State of Michigan is expecting full cooperation from Michigan Pork Producers and will attempt to provide any assistance necessary to facilitate an effective program. 

Other stories in this series by Michigan State University Extension


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