Planning, Evaluation and Reporting
Planning is critical in designing and implementing extension programs that demonstrate community input, clear and relevant objectives, effective and efficient use of resources and activities, targeted audiences, and outcomes that result in social impacts.
Evaluation adds to our scholarly work of learning what helps us improve programs and document the net social value of the program.
Reporting communicates plans and logic models, progress, outputs and outcomes and lessons learned.
Evaluation Expedition is a free D2L online course with 11 modules that cover a wide variety of program evaluation topics.
Other evaluation resources are available here
Planning and Reporting
PEARS: MSU Extension began using PEARS for reporting in January of 2020. PEARS is used to develop action plans and professional development plans for the year. It is also used to keep track of educational events (program activities), indirect activities, partnerships, coalitions, success stories, direct contacts, and more.
Norma Lundeen
Planning and Reporting Project Manager