Arianna Perrien, B.S.B.A.

Arianna Perrien

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Administrative Business Analyst



Arianna Perrien is the Administrative Business Analyst of Food Science and Human Nutrition (FSHN) and has been with MSU since 2019. Arianna obtained her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 2018 and has since earned a certificate as a Human Resource Specialist. She uses this knowledge to handle Human Resource functions and some Financial Processes for the department. She is a proud member of the FSHN Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and of the Women’s Advisory Committee for Support Staff (WACSS). As part of her role on WACSS, she serves as chair of the Events and Engagement subcommittee and served as Secretary of the Executive Committee. Outside of work Arianna enjoys the “farm family life” managing and living on a 90-acre crop and livestock farm.

Core Responsibilities:

  • HR Staffing Coordinator 
  • Requisitions/Purchase Orders
  • Personal service contracts
  • Hourly Student Timesheets Payroll
  • Temporary/On-Call/Student postings & timesheets