Chris Vandergoot, Ph.D.

Chris Vandergoot

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Director, Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System; Associate Professor, Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability
Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability



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Areas of Expertise:

Fish movement and population dynamics; evaluation of stock assessment surveys; effects associated with performing surgical procedures on fish


Ph.D. Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, 2014
M.S. Biology, Tennessee Technological University, 2001
B.S. Fisheries Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1999


Prior to my current position, I served as a Research Fishery Biologist at the Lake Erie Biological Station, Great Lakes Science Center, US Geological Survey located in Sandusky, Ohio and as a Supervisor of Fish Biology at the Sandusky Fisheries Research Station and a Fisheries Biologist on Lake Erie with the Ohio Department of Natural Resource, Division of Wildlife. As a fisheries researcher and biologist my interests include understanding and quantifying the population dynamics of native Great Lakes fish populations, particularly Lake Erie percids.  I primarily focus on conducting field-based studies which describe the ecological and demographic processes of wild fish populations for stock assessment modeling purposes.  Specific areas of interest include examining stock discreteness, rates of iteoparity (i.e., frequency of reproductive cycles), spawning site fidelity, spawning phenology, migratory behavior, and estimating mortality rates (i.e., fishing and natural).  I also conduct studies evaluating the efficiency and performance of fishery-independent sampling gears and methodologies.  My current appointment is part of the Partnership for Ecosystem Health and Management. I also am a member of the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability.

Click here to visit Chris Vandergoot's twitter feed (@eriefishdoc).

Research Interests:

  • Effects of tagging fish
  • Fish population dynamics and demographics
  • Fish ecology
  • Great Lakes fisheries
  • Fishery stock assessment


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