David DeYoe

David DeYoe

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Adjunct Professor, Forest Biomaterials and Renewable Energy



PhD in Forest Physiology, minors: Forest Biochemistry and Stress Physiology. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

M.S. in Forest Physiology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

B.S. in Forest Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

Key Positions:

      • Reforestation Biologist. Faculty of Forestry. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.  1979-1986
      • Senior Research Scientist. MacMillan Bloedel. Nanaimo, British Columbia. 1986-1990.
      • General Manager. Ontario Forest Research Institute. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. 1992-2006.
      • President. BioSystem Trends Inc. Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. 2006-2011.

Key Volunteer Work:

      • Chair, Research Managers Committee of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). Chair 1995 to 2000.
      • Founding Chair of Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Center (SSMIC). Chair 1999 to 2003; Board Member 2003 to 2006. 
      • Director, Sault Ste. Marie Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors. 1998 to 2006.
      • Upper Lakes Environmental Research Network (ULERN). 2003 – 2006; Vice President 1997 – 2002. 
      • President of the Board of Directors, Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA) 2010 to 2014. Board Director 2009 – 2010.
      • Chair of the Board of Directors, Michigan Forest Biomaterials Institute. (MiFBI). 2016 to 2019. Board of Director 2014-2019.
      • Adjunct Professor in Forest Biomaterials and Renewable Energy. Department of Forestry.  Michigan State University. 2016 to present.

Professional Interests:

My early career involved application of stress physiology principles to development of policy and practices in the reforestation of conifer seedlings - seed collection to establishment.  I developed guidelines, presented workshops and conducted applied research in partnership with industry, woodland owners and state and federal silviculturists to design stress mitigation strategies and develop stress detection technologies.  I extended application of stress principles to the study of ecosystem dynamics in Ontario as part of my oversight responsibility for provincial forest research.  My teaching included both graduate and undergraduate courses and adult continuing education for professional foresters and community and business leaders.

My personal focus over the past 2 decades has targeted economic and business development in resource rich rural communities which are well positioned to capitalize on new and innovative opportunities inherent in forest plant species for products currently derived from petrochemicals.  The approach has been to introduce communities, local business, and the forest and related industries to threats arising from global trends in climate change, population growth, resource depletion, pollution and human consumption, that are negatively impacting their world, and identify how they can capture and/or create value from forests, farms and cities to grow a bio-based economy.   I then work with communities and companies to employ existing, or develop new, options for use of regional renewable resources for energy and biomaterials that are tailored to local strengths and embrace reuse and recycling efforts.   

As an Adjunct Professor in Forestry my intent is to help advance progress of the forestry sector in the use of bio-based resources from forest, farms and/or cities to contribute to displacement of petrochemical products. The focus will be on creating economic and business development opportunities in rural, resource-rich communities and urban centers connected by innovation that adds value to recoverable wood waste in the form of energy, fuels, lubricants, pharmaceuticals, plastics, fabrics, adhesives, carbon fibers, etc.  The vision is to make Michigan, and the Great Lakes Basin, including Ontario, a regional leader in the developing bioeconomy.

Selected Achievements at MSU to Date:

      • Part of a 4-member faculty team responsible for planning, development and implementation of a new forestry minor in “Sustainable Biomaterials: Science and Technology”.
      • Acquired a 10 K grant to help support the development of a course for the new minor.
      • Planned, developed, implemented and taught a new course designed for the minor, “Business Innovation Toward a Sustainable Bioeconomy”
      • Assisted in the development of an overarching strategy for the Sustainable Wood Recovery Initiative, and a multi-year business plan for its keystone program, MSU Shadows.

Selected Publications and Reports:

DeYoe, D.R. and C. Rees. 2007.  Opportunities for Converting Biomass to Energy: Global Trends, Local Options – A Primer.  BioEnergy Focus Ontario.  35 p.  

DeYoe, D.R.  2007.  Use and Utility of Forest Biomass: Benefits to the Forest, the Community, and Economic Development.  Canadian Silviculture Magazine

DeYoe. D.R. and C. Rees. 2006. Contract with Eastern Lake Ontario Regional Innovation Network. Developed a “workbook” addressing, a) status of forest biomass on public and private lands, b) assessment of thermal conversion technologies suited to densification and bioproduct opportunities, c) ownership and business models, and d) financial scenarios.  Final report was completed and is available online.

DeYoe, D. and C. Hollstedt. 2004.  A knowledge exchange system: Putting innovation to work. BC J. Ecosyst. Manage. 4(1): 1-10.

DeYoe, D.R. and T.L. Noland. 2003.  Addressing resource sustainability and market uncertainty through business diversification: A case for bioproducts and non-timber forest products. Pp. 27-29 in Meeting Emerging Ecological, Economic and Social Challenges in the Great Lakes Region: Popular Summaries. Buse, L.J. and A.H. Perera, comp. Sault Ste. Marie, ON, 9-11 June 2003. Ont. Min. Nat. Resources., Ont. For. Res. Inst., Sault Ste. Marie, ON. For. Res. Inf. Pap. No. 155. 206 p.

DeYoe, D.R.  2000.  Aligning Science Activities with Business Objectives:  Priority and Performance Management.  In: Proceedings of the XXII IUFRO Congress.  Division 6 – Science Management and Policy.  Ed. J. Burley.  Malaysian IUFRO World Congress.  Kuala Lampur, Malaysia.  pp. 113.

DeYoe, D.R.  1998.  Respecting and Linking Different “Real” Worlds.  In:  Bridging the Gap between Research and Application.  July 19-24.  Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.  

Tung, C-H. and D.R. DeYoe.  1991.  Dormancy induction in container-grown Abies seedlings:  Effects of environmental cues and seedling age.  New Forests 5:13-22.

DeYoe, D.R.  1990.  Stress and seedlings:  Concepts and assessment technology.  In:  Proceedings of the XIX IUFRO Congress.  Division 2 - Stress Physiology.  ed. J. Burley.  Canadian IUFRO World Congress.  Montreal, Que. pp.49-58.

DeYoe, D.R. 1989. Development of Stress Detection Technology for Conifer Seedlings using Stress Induced Volatile Emissions (SIVE). MacMillan Bloedel Research Center Report. 23 pp.

DeYoe, D.R. and W.R. Scowcroft.  1988.  The Role of Biotechnology in Regeneration of Canadian Forests.  Ministry of State, Science and Technology.  Ottawa, Ont.  pp.1-94.

DeYoe, D.R.  1986.  Guidelines for handling seeds and seedlings to ensure vigorous stock.  Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR.  Special Publ. 13. pp.1-24.

DeYoe, D.R. 1984. Seedling physiological condition: Lifting through establishment.  In: Proceedings of the Interior Spruce Seedling Performance Symposium.  E. Van Eerden (ed).  Prince George, B.C. pp.1-42.

DeYoe, D.R. and B.D. Cleary. 1983.  Reforestation Planning Guide:  Helping Ensure Reforestation Success for Woodland Owners.  OSU Extension Service, Corvallis, OR.  pp.1-89.

DeYoe, D.R. and G.N. Brown.  1979.  Glycerolipid and fatty acid changes in eastern white pine chloroplast lamellae during onset of winter.  Plant Physiol. 64:924-929.

DeYoe, D.R. and J.B. Zaerr. 1976.  Indole-3-acetic acid in Douglas-fir. Analysis by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry.  Plant Physiol. 58:299-303.