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Connecting to Our Backyards

January 10, 2022

Researching what makes our ecosystems or landscapes healthy and the impacts our actions can have at places like CMERC creates opportunities for our communities to adapt how we live within our ecosystems. When we learn about the ways we impact our ecosystems – both good and bad – we get to share that information with our communities, so we can work together to make decisions that create healthy landscapes and places we want to live.

Here at CMERC, we have a few projects in the works that provide some ideas for ways we can support biodiversity and healthy landscapes in our communities and backyards.

In addition to creating beautiful and healthy ecosystems in your own places, volunteering with local wildlife, gardening or watershed groups, or advocating for policy changes in your community, can also contribute to the wellbeing of our neighborhoods and landscapes, as well as connect you with like-minded people who care about healthy systems too.

We’ll, that’s it for now, we hope you’ve enjoyed your time here with us – we appreciate you visiting CMERC and experiencing the interpretive trail!

If you have any questions, comments, or stories about the CMERC site or want to learn more please reach out to us.

Thanks again for coming!