SPDC Response to Novel Coronavirus - April 15, 2020

The novel coronavirus pandemic impacts people very differently, and the racist events of the past few weeks are impacting our community in many ways. It is important that we watch out for each other and support ourselves during such difficult times.

The messages from Associate Dean Quentin Tyler on “Fostering belonging and empathy” and Dean Ron Hendrick on “Committing to a campus culture that supports others” remind us of what is important and what our commitments are. We encourage you to read them.

At SPDC, we strive to ensure that racism, hate and violence have no place in our community. Let us continue our struggle and take action for meaningful and lasting change to dismantle acts of racism. Our commitment and obligation as Spartans is to make the world a better place. Our presence must be one of hope and love that helps us navigate through these difficult trying times. We want to look back at ourselves with no regrets that we indeed changed the world.

We want you to know that SPDC is committed to fostering a culture of respect, trust, support and empowerment, as well as an inclusive and welcoming environment.

We welcome insights and feedback on areas where we can be better and best support you. 
Ming-Han Li
Professor and Director
School of Planning, Design and Construction
Michigan State University