My nursing story: Alexis Skuras

November 1, 2022

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Alexis Skuras is a registered nurse from Detroit, Michigan. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she worked on multiple COVID units in Metro Detroit, and also worked as a Teaching Assistant and Clinical Instructor for Michigan State University nursing students. Working in both inner city and rural towns, Alexis saw firsthand how vulnerable populations are disproportionally impacted by COVID-19.

When her dad became sick and passed away during the pandemic, Alexis was able to empathize with her patients in a different light. While thinking about her dad spending the end of his life alone in the hospital was difficult, it helped her understand the importance of being a support system for her patients during this time. While she will never forget the tragedies she witnessed, she chooses to focus on what lightened those tragedies: vaccines. Alexis is grateful to the COVID-19 vaccine for decreasing the number of hospitalizations, severe illnesses, and deaths. She urges Michiganders to get vaccine information from trusted sources, and to get vaccinated for themselves, their communities, and for those who didn’t get the chance to.

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Support for this video comes from the Centers for Disease Control and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.