Field Crops Webinar Series - Soybean SDS and Wheat Stripe Rust Management

February 20, 2017

MSU Extension Field Crops Webinar Series 2017 Session 3, 2/20/17 Title: Soybean SDS and Wheat Stripe Rust Mgmt, Presenter: Dr. Marty Chilvers

Video Transcript

Good evening and welcome to the third session an R M A super tension fuel crops were in our series The name is James you Decker I'll be your host tonight. Presentation is soybean Sunda syndrome and we Story process management would Dr Marty Childers. Dr Childers is our field crop with all due specialists with them assume so that I'd like to welcome Dr Childers and turn it over to him OK Crites Good evening everyone and certainly if you have any questions you have by all means. You want to try to address the if a county that's not trying to get into my kitchen to do that just before I get started there are a couple websites on here that you might find useful. So my colleagues and I have been developing extent a set of extension raise also and it's primarily focused around soybean at the moment. We do have some colon products available especially related to Iraq. And market Fox and so just have a look at that crop protection network all look and then my website on the very bottom there we just have some efficacy titles and sensed a fungus out after Casey or soybean call and wait. A while they are not I can parse those again and look at later is the right so let's get started. Tonight I thought it's pretty important just to spend a bit striper given how much of a problem that was this year in many fields not all fields if we get many fields in the twenty six thousand season. So first off let's let's have a look at the symptomology as well and how we go about identifying structure Aust as a name suggests you should be you know struts should be involved right that on these very young seedling stage plants you don't get the classic soda straw. Forming on the leaves and I'll show you a photo in a second. On an adult or an older plant where you can really see the clear clean stripes there generally it's a lot of yellow Akala then lay frost which is another rust of weight. And certainly you know twenty sixteen was a season very you know you know very. Typical I guess we don't typically deal was struck cross to the to the level that we dealt with the last year. Of our close up there top right hand corner. You can see the. Which are just the spall posture developing the surface of the epidermis a leaf to shoot a new bursting are going and then there's a microscope photo down on the bottom right hand corner So basically each one of those postulates can tie ins hundreds to thousands if not more spores and can cycle very quickly within about ten days you can go from spose to two fresh postulates Festing are going and that's why we can get into an epidemic very quickly. And just because you want to the point you know this photo. Was taken by second twenty six dangerous pretty early very early for Michigan party the earliest but it isn't you know this think we're going to be keeping an eye open for this coming season. So here's the other couple of rust diseases you might hear about on weight. Loss day on the left hand side and I'd suggest it typically forms on stands. And that was a big problem back in the not in forty's and fifty's and it's got an alternate harvests. Barry and that was removed. The program because that's that allows it to sort of I'm going to. So many minutes that stem rust and then this Les frost as well which many of you you're probably familiar with if you grow wheat because it's also very common but not typically to these epidemic levels that we saw the straw Frost last year. So his striped frost on the older plants. And you can say they're very classic striking. Up the lace and so it's. Pretty easy to diagnose minutes at that stage. And we did have a couple of factors we believe going on in terms of why we sort epidemic at the stroke process favored by cool not temperatures we did have those six years Fahrenheit and with that we had boisterous well. And it's very rapid at those cold temperatures so if it warms up it's less likely to develop this little bit of speculation that might be the strength and a little bit more temperature add up that there will have to see if that that and. Then also that bottom right hand picture there you can see a secondary sort of Spore stage of the stripe rusts fungus like once it goes for that are inch forced station to go to a doctor spoil. Rough sex many different school stages the one we're really interested in with this disease it's not yellow or spoil the RIDEA spores but it does have those other spores thought or stages to just just importantly trying to diagnose it in a field. As a way to struck come from like any last disease they all blue tights and so they require a living host and we believe the standard thinking on all of this is that it moves out from the cells at this plenty of evidence to to demonstrate that this is a real thing. And so it's a sign first organ rost which Remember we haven't had to do a sorting rost we've we have collect spores up here but it's never coming in off to be a problem has been in. Southern Indiana in Illinois sometimes my mention of it but it's really not a problem for us but every year is a problem itself and you guys very much the same as. In other Colin Ross as well it moves up from the southern parts of the U.S. and we had a very mild winter. Last year and looks like a kind of mild relatively mild this year potentially than early spring so. In terms of this this year going to twenty seven ten we'll have to be on the lookout for this I would put those photos up here these are from Oklahoma we kind of had a sense that something was developing but being the first year that it ever blowing up in Michigan we weren't. Expecting to be as bad as what was that he where this these photos were taking taken at the start of in Oklahoma City is this Fama had a crop of wheat high used out there mauling it and you can see in the back of the ball that yellow collar is. S'posed it's not rusty equipment that's just boys and you can see that on their fellow list. Chines as well so that just gives you an idea by early I told already having these fields with heavy investigations of course wind. And rain events and things to pick they suppose up and move if a lot of the poles. And I just needed time and my colleagues down south and just sort of keeping an eye on this. Sucker. A tweet here from one of my colleagues in Mississippi so he's already finding struck Cross which is not too unusual for him in that part of the country but it's there right and then this other big map that I've got here this college region is just showing you that where earlier on average change of the spring beginning to develop. So that's that's just something else just to be aware of will have to just keep an eye on whether there Australia develops or whether it shut down with all the temperatures the Certainly this year you know given what happened last year will be very much trying attention to that will get the word out as quickly as we can and to keep on top of it because it is very manageable. And in terms of management and. Fungus sides do a really good job at managing. You know we do year in and year out with hate scab and if we had to choose between the two I guess we might almost truce struck crossed over head scout because it seems to be a look at all. Chemistries and even with resistance OK so I put this light in just to show you in effect a fungus I had when it's put on the optimal time in. This trial is a troll just here on campus a couple of miles from where I'm sitting at the moment it was done on the ambassador which is a susceptible variety we use that because it's susceptible to head scab and diseases the left hand side there is a control plot with more fungicides on it and the right hand side we had a from the side put down at flank leaf which is really the critical time for trying to control. Disease. Twenty sixteen we'll have to wait and see how quickly it develops in twenty seventeen and if it is an issue. In terms of spraying fungus sides for we diseases we talk about the three different opportunities I guess there are different diseases a pop up the different times that we might might get. To manage with those chemistries. So the first is that just after growing up. And typically that that is put on you know with a herbicide to reduce application costs and we might talk about something like attitude which is I'm six nine and really I'm protecting that fly leaf which is very critical to yield and then take three which you know prior to a strike frost we really emphasize that take three application for the head skep and. So write it out of that flour and we. Just put a little bit of yield to show you the effect that's the correct Tommy in terms of if you response. So the first couple of laws they're looking at you know response to a T. you want in the tape three application and the yield is relative to the untreated chick So how many yields are we protecting. By putting that focus on so you can see that he won T. three have about forty seven bushel bump or protection teeth. About nine bushels this will be a difference. Just because a couple different trials are in these fields is a load of variability. We moved to teach through old teacher plus two three which can really say that we have about twenty bushels. Or protection rather when we put that application on it. At twenty twenty you know how full protection from that should take. That seeks nine and that's a sign is that Fido is just showing you or if we had the T T two three and another trial that we've got about a nice a bushel protection again as a teacher to our application there is really protecting the yield. And in terms of structure Austin and you can get itself off of a website this efficacy chaat. This is put together by a small grain diseased working Gert it's not just machine again it's many other states contributing. To rank chemistries for their efficacy for Disease Control you have a look at struck for us that highlighted here on the the chart we've got a lot of products that have excellent Very good efficacy for controlling stripe crossed I was just the last thing you know there's plenty of options and reasonably priced options and yes if it hits Gavin Of course you know if all the booted right are going to much much smaller. Group it's really the tries Also we would look to for. For hits get management. And of. You know last year. You know if you used a stronger side preventative flea you know you're not a truck prossed But the other very. Large contributing factor here pipes the biggest contributing factor was the ferocity that was grown. So it got Bassett and. You know down here the thought of yeah so what. Happened last year when the strike frost set up the wheat breeding for Eric's prating crew out there and did some breaking. In the ferocity performance trial to see how their ideas before going with that struck trust so all of the writing information you're looking at here for these things for ideas that are listed. With respect to stripe process and obviously there are some varieties that had very very good resistance I think it is the. That twenty five forty the pioneer twenty five to forty had very good resistance and even though Terry are with had that variety it looked really good and they had a sprite next to it right and there's really no difference there's no difference because the variety had very great resistance to the structure of putting a five a side on really didn't help much because the variety had such great resistance but in comparison to those that I'm. At about thirty nine percent of that slightly with disease that was put into the susceptible category could really have benefited from the fungus out application and if you want this I can I can find a link to this article. Has a hand out if you are feeling this at the upcoming. Annual Meeting as well. So just in summary then you know if start Frost is going to become an annual issue you know we would look to using resistant varieties you know after this next season if. If it appears to be an ongoing issue. Funded research work very well for managing this disease so it's just something to be aware of to get out scalp early and if it pops in you know. Struggler and general work will be better for providing your supply preventative lay trestles have a little bit more parse infection activity but you still would be on a cot. Turning diseased leaf material back to Green It just doesn't work like that. And there are a couple of options so unfortunately. Had scab is tops a lot more difficult to manage. And that's something we've spoken about before but I thought it be a good idea to go I said. Not to show what's going to happen this teased in the last year we really had very very little head scab is a different story in the corner and it will get to that in a minute. So I thought I'd just go back a little bit in time and just talk to you briefly about some fungus I efficacy trials that we did this is actually before I was working in weights. Start here. And initially set up three hundred nine trials across multiple years and looked at four different products that were available will also be looked at to be called as old which just so just follow a cue that you know it's generic so you can purchase that there are other brand names and then probably per line. And Karumba kinds of the four four product. So this chart is just showing you the efficacy in terms of management physical disease in the fields who walked in the field what was a percentage control of the higher the policy is the better said it's control as you can see that should be called also reduced. By about forty percent. It wasn't quite as good as pro-life for sorrow Corona. But it is a cheaper product. Of course more importantly than the certainty that the visual disease is that of all the talks on North Yorkshire he. Dog is present out there in the field so we flip to that chop and you can stay that the ten becomes all really just doesn't stand up as well to those other products a prolonged present or Karumba or any had that twenty percent reduction where the chicken is all about forty percent of those other products. So that was the first round has got management trials multi site coordinated trials the next trial is really looking at the timing of spring if you toss just two or three years ago I would say get out there flowering in Mecca application and. Realize it's not always practical you have to fields too wet to get into which is scheduled equipment was far is sometimes it doesn't happen straight away so we want to get a good sense of what was the control window that we had how big was that window and sorry we had we used four different varieties to look at the different responses to the chemistry application tauntings. Embassador again this is a central check we know it's very simple That's Gabbett in swells disease and you have to undergo radon if you're forty two is partially resistant chick you had a couple of issues rating on it then in terms of the treatment we had two checks where there would no. Fungus sites put down at all one of them was unoccupied with the Get pathogen and one was just by spreading through the plots and then we had a application brought out flowering. And then two days partial airing or photos twice or six times twice Larry just to get right into that that we. Had. Trials out about mind as well to look at a photo and. So this is how we conduct the trials we use small plots as you can see. We do this on campus and as a side thing. Which is great because we have two sets of Michigan which is really nice but the vantage to the campus will work as I would because it is it's a small area and we're also going to set up days systems you can see throughout the field here and I were I would put water on you know for a minute at a time every hour twenty four hours to really push disease Prussia kind then you might find a side applications with a handheld spy bit here with the. Tank just pressure pressurize that system and we do that of course because of small clots that we're dealing with. So here's some results from that trial this is looking at the. Z's it was present. So I've broken it down by the variety of the dash launches separate the different varieties so i first thing that I want you to see. Again and this is a pretty important message for control of most diseases is the effect of variety should really be your first. Attempts trying to manage diseases. Instances right so we're looking at ambassador on the left hand side of the crash. You can read the treatments with fungicide at all and you can say that they had a lot. Then those that were sprayed with the fungus side. But you compare the amount of diseased in the ambassador to the ninety two forty two you can see that really. Striking chronic contrast in terms of effective resistance of managing disease writes the ninety two forty two had significantly less disease and less. Diseased than when we had a boss or we spry that Ambassador to help control disease so just to get that resistance is really. Anybody looking back at the ambassador then I would demonstrate that an application at flowering to four or out to six dice parse flowering and what I mean about flowering is fifty percent of the heads have an answer is showing a little flower showing on them and we can go up to six times parsed beginning of flowering and still get very good Disease Control So this means that we you know we have from the beginning a flower at fifty percent out to about six days. The beginning of flowering from Martin's work. He showed that once we got out to outline dice you really stop at the lose control pretty quickly then why you still some benefit is there some reason you just won't ever get out there within that six day window but you really start to lose lose that benefit very quickly point to be within the six day week we saw the same pattern the ninety two forty three that you resistant variety. Still less disease but we put it on a flowering out to six days. Beyond flowering. But those Follistim is just because of that resistance of the ferocity. This is just a summary slide and just this slide to show you what what the trial look like you saw flowering there are. Some other added benefits often with. Mint application in most years we get a protection that's like late as well twenty sixteen we needed more protection because of that struck us disease that we did much earlier but in my small local use Typical years three to get the added benefit that'll help protect you as well. OK so the third generation of head skep trial that we actually set up last year we didn't have any. It's just because it was so dry. It's really looking at split applications so we've got a good idea of which products work how well they work. And and the period that they need to be applied right that's so so what we're trying to look at now is can we split up that application to improve its gap control Macassar got non-treated check in here requests janitress are at firing press are full of Bach Chorale before days after star out a cheaper option with. Flowering unsold eyes light A full of bustle if your product. Like you are there as well so the idea here is if we might multiple applications. Improve Disease Control especially in those years where we know the models are showing are very high risk or we might be in addition to that using a susceptible Friday very concerned about disease levels and just a reminder to. Certainly there is a hitch get model to. Dismiss run around flowering and you can see. Michigan is pretty much in the green So there are very large risk for hits gap and that certainly panned out last year. It's just something to keep an eye on certainly you know use it as an additional tool. In addition to other information that you have that can be can be helpful. So one thing I did want to mention in terms all trying to control. Step with fungicides we do want to be careful. It's sort of counter-intuitive if but we can put fungus thoughts on and that will make the talks worse OK And that's that's just true if the cost of chemistries in the KUOW I or strictly learned cost of chemistries on the headline is an example. Of that right from. Instrument is the active ingredient there. And so this is some data from Illinois and so what we're showing. It's all about timing I say if you put that headline application on. At Flag place you'd be fine that you know our problem that Shaiman the Blues boss they're OK. But once we hit boot over here we're at flowery stages you really don't want to be putting those trivial or chemistries on and you can see in there red and green. The amount of talks and all the dogs actually goes a one hundred percent sort of control or on trade it checks. You're actually making the increasing amount of all the talk so that accumulates in the growing so just just a word of caution want to be very careful about that obviously not registered for your state so again really just back to those those four compounds I spoke about earlier in that website you can go and pull this chop as well and. So you degraded has kept management resistant for ID. From flaring up until about six days beyond flowering and then of course as well we do want to avoid placing a weight into the colon debris called stop because that's you know the involved pathogen this is a sign thing that causes somebody who obviously think we can do to try and separate the two means it's good. OK to move on to Colon diseases now. And really I just want to spend a minute just describing accomplished new diseases that we've seen I think it's just important that people are aware that they are out there potentially on the issue so the first is tosspot And as you can see from the images it very much looks like towers made flecked on to those cold leaves. And it feels like that too if you're on your fingers over the leaves you could still feel that the right spot guys this is a fungal disease. It was found for the first time this year and the first time in the U.S. back in two thousand and fifteen. So here's a early map in two thousand and fifteen for Indiana in some of those Confed counties we believe that this is sport in the hurricane weather event. Two fungal pathogens that are involved so far we've only concern in the U.S.. So that's that's something else that we're also sort of talking a lot of attention to because that might affect how severe the disease is and it really we don't know a great deal about this disease there are reports and some data out of the highlands of Mexico or in Central America. And it's shown in those those higher altitude areas down there because it's favored by cool conditions and we believe that's why it potentially bought not be a huge issue for corn production in the U.S. because it does require those cool conditions. And so we've really only seen it very late in the season again you know waiting for those cool conditions to develop and if. It probably won't be a major disease we don't know yet satisfy the case that really caused this. So there we have the I'm not just in terms of where it's been found safe twenty fifteen Indiana Illinois twenty sixteen those two states again as well as Michigan and then working with colleagues in our word Wisconsin there's a confirmations there. So. If you see this disease out there place let us know I would like to know where it is in Michigan and if we can find out about it. We might have been to get out there and put some fungus sides on the back fire. To check for fungus out efficacy for controlling this disease. State you don't want to keep your eyes open. The other disease which is very likely already here in Michigan by some the number of states that it's been confirmed in is the bacterial a straight So this is a bacterial disease obviously. So Spain conferred What about on states down here Colorado Kansas Iowa Texans that's kind of an aside Illinois. This is a very new disease. In the U.S. in terms of that the consummation at least dart nor the impact of this one either at the moment and it's been not that much information we are from South Africa back in the nineteen forty's and fifty's it reported in that beach. From Going to the Cape and. In terms of identifying bacterial laced Strake then. It's it looks very similar granulate spot. And so a good good thing to do is have a look at these lesions he is again this is bacterial a strict I'm showing you here. Bacterial a strict tends to bleed like a cross that science across the lake finds. And I'll show you a Florida. Spot now so you can tell the difference if you look closely especially on this one that's backlit you can see that the Lazic kind away from me along those lines are not like restricted taught to the vine OK let me slip by this is great leaf spot which we're all pretty familiar with right you can see that that's very nice straight when it gets to a fine really doesn't cross cross the time and he get his great spot that backlit all civil into the picture and again you can see that delineation with the blinds there that's a pretty good diagnostic. Characteristics are trying different check Grayle a spot from bacterial a straight and of course a bacterial a straight you can spiral the fungus that you want and nothing's going to happen right because it's a bacterial disease and there really are too many bacteria sides you can use you know there are products like cars side a cop a top product that. You know has very limited efficacy it washes off it's got to be applied for it quickly and it's just it's really not a very good option really going to be a long or a plant resistance for bacterial a strain. Are just it's a couple of quick questions so there's a question about which you spot spry versus buying the whole field for the top spot I believe that was to. I guess sure if it's for able to spot sprite we could certainly do that that that would be a good option at this point in Tondo it. Looks like it's coming in very light so it's probably not really ramping much yoga to start know much about this one so if you see it out there place give us a call with lots coming out we can help you confirm that's what it is the need to work with you to spar it so if you can get it under control or even put a little spray trial within a field day you look at control. OK and someone else let's talk about PH and hardness of carry on efficacy if I decide I don't have slides prepped on not but certainly water quality is important and I can try and take up additional resources and it's a good Christian there are certainly products as well to help help with some of those. Order quality issues as well and I'm really not that first on that but it's certainly something I could I could dig up information for. OK So of course this year as well we saw a lot of all in the colon unfortunately. It has a couple photos if you're a law. And as I said before this is exactly the same pathogen Djibril as A is assigned thing is for. Sharon government interim so. You have all been calling is a sign thing is by the sign passage and it's scheduled waits of course we have all the talks and you shoot. So why do we have such a bad year this year intensive in the mold diseases Well of course we had a very dry. Period so we had it tips that did Paul and I correctly said silks that were mining green. So just like. On the wheat the. In fixed through the flower as a coal plant obviously that's through the silks so I buy the silks remaining out there for a longer period of time you've got a longer period with so it's so it could be affected by. The pathogen and into and then addition to that we also had West Bank which can create wounds and allow for. Additional fungal tree as well and then on top of all of that we had. Our average right fall during July and it was quite wet dry down as well so. You know it once once a colon is mature was that it's not the end of the story for architects and it's very important to get the boys chair down and as he is because it is poised to present about certain specialties it will get additional and will continue to keep the life in a box of toxins in there is it is so if they're out in the field or even back in the ground mean it's important to reduce moisture. See on Terry or ministry of AG This is really cool survey for you they go out in about mid September and pull yours randomly off plants in different fields to get just get a sense of. What problems are going to be coming for that season and so you can see every year they say they've gone the is. The growing up and they'd run it fair for dog levels. Different three different categories less than point five ppm between point five and two could you have been graded to P.P.M. So back in two thousand and eleven was a Last year we had pretty they had pretty significant issues and had about twenty four percent of fields tested more than two possibilities and. Get back here twenty sixteen twenty six percent of the fields testing is very high that will set a ten year problems that's coming. Just in terms of maximum phase levels then there are differences in terms of. Allowable limits so grain for human consumption or the products. In the finished products the. Pigs are pretty sensitive very similar tolerances they're five million in the green itself. In the finished thing you need six eight one pop billion. Base cattle far more resistant resilient to the talks and so we can go out to about five million in terms of finished product Simon it's really. Just the information there's a corpse on there as well as the fish dish and it's a bunch. So if molds are difficult to manage. I'm very excited that we have been in this seeing he and now he's out cropping systems across the mist so he is taking over the coal into focus trials and doing a lot of other economy work we're starting. To be working with him to leverage some of those core performance trials to look at Evolve Nitish and we're very interested in Friday susceptibility. And fungus are just one. All for potential management so that's something you'll be seeing all that surprised. As we get those trials going in terms of current management thing we want to try and select for are two possible resistance is really not a great variation in terms of. Resistance and susceptibility. Varieties rank you know four five six The typical wanted nine Skylstad It's not like we're dealing with three it's seven so it is high but there is some differences between for our use and certainly talk to use a dealer about where if we can we want to of course avoid colon colon because you're just going to be potentially exacerbating the problem you've got your planting into cold where that pathogen can result of that residue what if we can do within an hour. That it was possible we want to try reducing the plant stress and then it is very interested in plant populations and how that might buy into the. Volga talks accumulations are parts of trials in that area to. How you want to try and harvest high risk fields for us to Kaiser if if we got doing scouting we see if you want to really try pool was quickly because we know the longer we leave them out there about. We're going to just accumulate those market talks and. We want to get I mean as soon as possible drive down to fifty percent noise share and certainly if they're going to long term storage want to get that moisture down the road and to sing it to avoid ongoing. Market socks and. This is a question there are longer growing season. Cold varieties most settled and then to all the shorter growing corn it's probably not as simple as not I'm sure there's going to be. Short and Long buy or. Season varieties. That are resistant or you know moderately resistant ball susceptible within boys. It's. Growing degree I guess or maturities. Certainly. You don't want to be growing You don't to be pushing the envelope I guess you would want to be hearing a quote Friday with a very long long growing season in a module sort of circumstance you sort of asking for issues doing it again I really encourage you to work with your state dealer as well they should be knowledgeable about the packages that I have to file. That they're more resistant than all those to. You know there's this other factors that come into this is well we talk about varieties that hold the ear op right as things try to. That potentially accumulates more water. Into the ear which exacerbates disease and the other thing is the hostile witnesses while. The hostage really is high that can potentially create that she admitted garment with it. To just about Z. and so it's a it's a complicated disease to breed for so it's it's difficult and that's why it is not a really good range and resistant material that's a viable couple to keep in mind in Tosca. The trauma center at select heart rates for this coming season. OK so let's switch gears now talk about so I've been some deaths in germ it's been a growing concern and I would say. So here's our study where we've confirmed it at the county level. And so it is probably more than likely president you know of all counties in that. It is just the ones that we. Have gone and collected planets and still people are saying plant seeds of so if you get an idea of where it is it's happened just happen to be in Livingston County this season for a field day and we had this field here. Right hand side you can say he had a variety that had pretty. Serious levels and not. So it's all borne disease caused by. A faulty since he's area pathogens. And it can reside in the soil for a number of years very difficult to manage. And. Planting into colon even for five years and coming back to soybeans doesn't mean that you for juice the amount of if you Jerry I'm so you know for we were just yes pathogens in the soil unfortunate this very kind of people hiding out there and this year is certainly brought on by those heavy organ strains those those heavy rain events help. Exacerbate the group brought in the root fiction Folia symptoms that we see talks through the planet and it's also exacerbated by so I mean systematized we've got some good data to demonstrate that that is the case sorry we always want to be on top assorted systematized management periods and. So with respect to a levy then. With respect to say treatment sorry for management. At least I was one of the chemistry is that we've worked with this for a number of years now and it's it's one that to fall Jerry consistently. For us. Substantial man a doctor on this one so I just put a quick summary slide here together I'll show you look at more days how tighter in a second but. Where we use the leverage the treatment with. Sudden Death Syndrome big present in the field of our history of disease where it's pretty flat the benefit it's about half the want bushel. But if we use a C. treatment where we've had a history of S.T.'s we pick up about three to four bushels sometimes bore on average and this is this photo is from our location notes Sandy irrigated. Field with both S. T. Yes and soybeans just about tired and you can see on the left hand side there's a tear or plots you see in the left hand side there by secret with you Levar plants look much healthier and much larger. The exactly same thing exactly same variety in everything but with the dice see tree there on the right hand side. So you know that's just a visual of what we've been saying then let's just take you through a few of the numbers and we've looked at this. As part of a multi-state effet funded through the north central soybean research program so there's a few slides of our colleague I was put together just summarizing. A little boy was called to Italy. So we had a total of three hundred nearly four hundred observations here and you're looking at disease reduction so this is one of those piano graphs and really what we're looking for here is going to lawyers here are sorry. They're not diseased will be using leave is less than the check or the C C treatment with no relief. In. Sight the bulk of the instances are certainly at the correct side of that you know chop we look at yoga spots and as we would probably suspect. We see very much a side pot but obviously flipped where we used lever say treatment compared to the untreated check on average we see a pretty positive response here in the summaries about four point six. On average return. If you want to point out that is in situations where there's a history of soybean sudden death syndrome. In instances where there's not just yes history this is the shot for that so you can see the piano. Evenly split Are you sure you got something to. But is it the vanished bit if it's with a disadvantage here or a teacher I guess and so on average there are any picking up out. And again this is because using it like I said Yes yes disease pressure. So something to keep it on I guess just before I get off this slide it is also liable for. Suppression it it will not like eliminate Soviet system a target we have certainly collected data down to the location to show that it can can help suppress the amount of reproduction again it's not as good as using the correct resistance source so I can systematize this present but it can help suppress things. Another potential benefit. Go into. Management soybeans near. Twenty sixteen I really didn't expect to get too many. Questions or really say too much but there were certainly some instances where we were. Pretty striking why although that's that's one of these instances this fight is talking. Middle of August twenty sixth a the could say it's pretty heavy What through there. So where we did see heavy white mode is really on the situations of hospitality programs where you're creating a very large. Caterpillar and by doing that you creating a marker climate you know you're closing out. That close kind if you're creating cool voice conditions which are ideal for. Goal production plant infection. So we've been doing trials at the ballcock research station for many years now and it's just an aerial shot show you what we've got going on they're not. Going to for a couple aka something that we've got some good side trial. But we look at a whole bunch of different from your side look at the different rights timings and see how they do types of disease control and yield of cost we also look at epidemiology thirtieth's fesses. Fifteen each seven in the HOF each stand six disease development share a couple of slides with you. OK so. Just to go back over the twenty four day. We had very heavy white not epidemic that year the cool what some of that we had. Typically we see in Jura and approach being a couple of our commissions that really stand out. OK One thing that we really noticed in twenty four days that certainly goes very interested in trying to. Find cheered when we put the fungus sites on. Was some of the DA there with respect to the timing Keiser this is looking at yield and what I wanted to show you these are overly low yields very on acceptable but the interesting thing I wanted to show you here is looking at a perch bring it on to full flower first is three where we're at beginning a pause when we delight that application to three in twenty four days and keep in mind this is just twenty four day resort got a full bushel bump in the yield and again different chemistry with Dura we put on it beginning of flowering. Compared to three again we see around about a four bushel. So this just sort of hollowed to us that there's a lot of potential to do work to look at optimizing the application timing and so that's something we've been taking into. And working with colleagues to in. Developing a models to predict when we should be putting those up. So I had a par stock in my lab do. The right hand side. So we looked at. The effect of spicing disease develop and witnessed mushrooms being produced in twenty six state here and what you should see the top graphic there is fourteen inch very special if you stayed. At the bottom one is a thirty interest I see. There's a lot a lot it's on there because a lot of different thought up but what I wanted to point out is that red line the red line is showing you when we were observing the white all posher all the what we call the apathy sometimes right so those white balls washrooms in the thirty inch that would be lying in terms of when we started to see them. They occurred earlier about a week or so earlier in the. City and then also the the sheer apathy is you know is dramatically different. So the number of apathy is here what. Was around about eleven kept out about eleven per unit area that we're looking at. In the thirty age but in the forty eight inch we had about six hundred in that site muted area about sixty or apathy here. Fourteen fifteen inch versus the thirty inch respect and we also collected some information here on the tongue when they're actually being produced and so that is all feeding into development old. BALL And what we hope to do with this so this is support this being led by died in Wisconsin what we hope to do here is to develop a ball to help us find to time to give. But also alert you when we are at you know year of high risk or so he is not for last year on July twenty sixth and. You can see that blue collar across the western part of Michigan that's showing large risk you look up into your Ontario here and some areas are Fred they east of Ontario there currently they had some pretty white malt. Products so the looks like though the bottle is painting out we're conducting some validation of that without a collector last year at the point that we have to have all polish bottle coming out this coming coming seasons are excited about. And part of this is well we feast on additional timing applications just to really try and find our recommendations. And to help build this on a little bit more so we looked at fungus and applications on thirty inch and fifteen and try spicing last year twenty sixteen so we use a couple of products we noted before pretty well they're a little bit pricey but we know that they work well so used to endure and approach endure is probably the important one to sort of look at here and what you're looking at here is the amount of disease and they get out of college carded it say they control what we put no stock aside is in grid in the amount of disease and then where we've put our chemistry shard here so if you look in the. Well first of all you can see the fifteen inch where we've got pretty funky side stand we get a lot more disease as X.X. right we've got our our roads where you will actually get more those motions and conditions for infection. As opposed to the thirty inch and then if we look within the thirty ish we can see that in two thousand and sixteen the ideal timing was really one of the beginning of flowering this is contrary to twenty four ain't right. You know you think about this twenty sixteen it's much warmer than twenty four day so it's most likely that we're developing. Early on to this wall the soil conditions and there were twenty four day to this this makes some sense right from the spectators so we saw a bit of Disease Control and we applied it early this is that light application. And you can see a similar trend in the fifteen the choice spacing there weren't significantly different but yet the early applications and reduced disease all started the lighter application. Kind. And then more importantly perhaps more of interest to many of you is the yield results from that and. So from the from this you can see in the thirty interest biasing. Where we put our chemistry stand. We had. A great yield in the fifteen inch of course because we had followed ization that shift a gauge for spacing. So you can see that in the chart of the red bar. Then. That that same trend disease protection from the early fungus side is showing through here today in terms that yield gained in the thirty it's this is not statistically significant bias on this is set up but you can see that trend all of the our one application you want to look at all the three application it kind of had better its controls. And then looking at the fifteen you try spicing because we have so much more disease depression and seem to be far more important to get that disease control we're seeing a bigger response that chemistry or disease and early opposition timing is really standing out there right now it's actually statistically you know significantly different here. The lighter application of three. Reply need to continue to disagree we want to add in this well a. Little There are treatment and we're also continuing to look. Things such as Kerberos. Which has had some very good progress too especially to try to it's very high. Pressure and we are all finished might be very happy to take any questions that you have I can work out a couple days really quickly Terry. Sorry Shawn. On even calling stands what we consider a higher risk for mold that's a good Christian Sorry yes I think yes based on some discussions Chris Kruger a speaking with him for Pioneer about this they still are certainly aware. Plants went through some stress and there are different ages on the stand. That certainly seem those those fields tended to say boy it is. Only something you should. Definitely. OK and other any problems planting veins of the Danes and how can it be done safely how many years can be done safely sorry so you certainly whenever we are planting any crop in a lot of culture like the back to back or higher in the see me talking about soybeans there. Yeah you awesomely at higher risk. For diseases. You know I think that the two issues there would be so I can sudden death syndrome quite bold So there are a couple things you want to Capel topples sudden sudden Desson jobs are tricky because you can use a resistant variety or what appears to be resistant variety can still get root traction this summit we're continuing to look at or with the story Brady here on campus to see if there's actually differences in distance but a lot of the material that you're purchasing and that we work with even public lives here is all biased on the folly or symptomology but we know our folly are susceptible. It's different to infection and so that's something that we're trying to tease. Out that really infection of resistance is it's just so much harder to collect data on in terms of going up close enough to stop figuring out which ones are susceptible resistant and at the trading partner but that's certainly something given trust year and I'm sure. Even the private companies are interested in that if I could figure out how to do it. And of course what all you know you want to just keep on top of that if you're going to be planning brains and things just keep them on. Top And if it is you know then you are trying to change some practices there maybe use a funny side to help suppress disease look at the Jam pleasant that you're using try and use to resist or variety that the sky disease as best as possible. And spicing is not always easy to China and that the city it certainly if you start to get into that situation is typically better. So I think that's all the questions that I don't. OK thanks very much Martin really good information. That I just want to thank your body for attending Dr Childers for taking the time to present this evening good night.