Using the Enviroweather Station Data for Management and Building Your Own?

February 19, 2021

Video Transcript

All right. I have I've hit the all important record button here, so we're going to go ahead and get started. Welcome everyone. We are on our final day of the "My Ag Ideas to Grow With" week here, my name is Eric Anderson, I'm a Field Crops Educator down in the southwest part of state based out of St. Joseph County and covering South West and South Central. And we are in our second session of the track this morning. Before we get started, I just want to give you a little bit of a heads up as to some of the things that are going on in the background for our week. So first of all, I just want to make you aware that we have several sponsors that have graciously allowed this week to be free for all of you. And so I want to especially thank those folks. And the other thing that they've been able to do is provide a scholarship for high-school seniors and some current college students. So we really appreciate our sponsors for that. For those of you who have been joining so far this week, you know that many of the sessions this week of RUP and CCA credits associated with them. Alright. They have these setup for a timed and it's annoying. So if you have not gotten on yet this week, just know that towards the end of this session we'll give you some instructions as to how to request or how to apply for those credits. So the last thing that I want to do for you here this morning is to share one other screen and it has to do with another another effort that MSU Extension has been working in, in the past oh probably 5 years or so, and that is with helping farmers, helping the farm community with farm stress. And so just in the last couple of years, Extension hired Eric Karbowski, who has a background in farming, but also has a background in psychology. And so he has put together some nice short but very helpful videos to help us think about a number of different issues. And so I want to play that for you right now. Hi, my name is Eric Karbowski, and I'm a Behavioral Health Educator with MSU Extension that focuses on farm stress with a farm stress tip. We know that farming is a stressful occupation and the Centers for Disease and Control ranks farming among the highest occupations for loss of life by suicide. What are some of the warning signs of suicide, and would you know what to look for? Some of the common signs, warning signs of suicide might include talking or writing about suicide or death. Feeling hopeless, trapped like a burden, giving away prized possessions. Making a plan or acquiring means. Saying goodbye, isolation from others, loss of interests and things that were typically very important to people. And mood changes, which might be periods of highs to lows or lows to highs. And one of those resources that I'd like to share with you is the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. That number is 1-800-273-8255. And I know this can be a difficult topic to discuss, but know that there are a number of resources that are available to those that are struggling. And many of those can be found on our MSU Extension farm stress website. And so thank you very much for the work that you do and know that there are a lot of people working very hard behind the scenes to support you as you support us. Thank you and have a great day. All right, So for those of you who are interested in that topic, either you've got some, some loved ones or some neighbors who might be dealing with that level of farm stress. Like to point you to one other resource that's actually happening this morning at 11 o'clock. So right after our session here, It's in another track, so you'll need to click on a different link. But we have a session called Mending the Stress Fence. So if you're interested in that, the Zoom link and the passcode for that should be in with that Excel, that list of passcodes and everything that were sent to you earlier this week. So with that, I'm going to stop sharing and introduce our speakers for the day so that I don't have to get in and interrupt them. I've got three folks for you all sharing their expertise. We got Erin Lizotte who is one of our IPM coordinators, we've got Keith Mason who works with enviroweather system. and then Younsuk Dong which some of you may have heard him yesterday in our water management track. He'll also come on. They're going to talk about a number of different tax topics, but all related to our enviroweather and what we can do with some of the information that's generated. So so Erin, I think I'm going to let you kick things off. All right, great. Thanks Eric. So hopefully everybody's seeing my screen well, and shout at me if you're not. But today I wanted to talk a little bit about integrated pest management resources that we have at MSU. Probably a lot of you are familiar with IPM and with enviroweather in with some of the other services we offer. But I think everyone in those groups kinda works together to help people address management on the farm, whether it's weather-related things, regulatory related things, identification of plants and things like that. So I wanted to focus today on IPM resources that we have available. Eric mentioned I am the IPM Coordinator with MSU, which is a new role for me. But I've been working as an IPM educator at MSU for about 12 years now, with my background mostly being in specialty crops. So I'm excited today also to be able to talk to some of you who are non specialty crop ag growers and hear from you about some of your pest management or IPM needs and concerns. So I wanted to start off just at a basic level, talking about what IPM is. I think a lot of times when we talk about integrated pest management, even people who are involved in IPM might think of insects. They might think of Organic growers or biodynamic growers. But that's really kind of some misinformation out there about IPM. So IPM is a sustainable approach to managing past and it combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic health and environmental risks. So it's really kind of this holistic approach to pest management where we're thinking about all of the different factors that can affect pest management. So it's, it's really knowledge and information intensive. And it was interesting to think about addressing this group today because it is such a diverse group. Typically when we're talking about IPM with a grower group, we're talking about a specific pest in a specific crop and the specific tools and information that are relevant to that situation. So we kind of had to take a bigger view of IPM today. But it is varied knowledge and information intensive. And so I think sometimes it can feel a little bit intimidating. But a lot of the tools that we're going to talk about today in this session are to help make it less intimidating and frankly more usable for farmers. It's always evolving. So sometimes we talk loud, is IPM dead because of climate change, is IPM dead because of invasive species. And I would make the argument that IPM is more relevant than ever because it is always evolving and it's so flexible to address changes in our environment, in circumstances, regulatory wise, and a number of different aspects. It's really important to remember that IPM is economically based. So an IPM practice has to make sense money-wise or it's not a good practice. We use a lot of times these economic triggers to tell us when we treat for a past. We're rarely focused on eradication because usually that is not a good economic choice. So we don't need to kill every single looper out in the field, but we do need to bring them down to a level where the cost-benefit ratio makes sense. Um, it's typically focused on multiple tactics. So you hear pest management people say a lot, well, we don't have a silver bullet. And then we go into talking about what are the cultural practices, the preventative practices, the chemical management strategies that we can utilize together to reach that level of pest management. Again it acknowledges that cropping systems and pests aren't static. So we have resistance development. We have different genetics in the field. And it's applicable that agriculture, home gardeners, urban horticulture. And then what we often talk about is IPM in structures, which includes homes, schools, and public buildings. So we are, I think are really focused, at least I am, in this kind of agricultural IPM realm. But there's this whole spectrum of different applications for IPM. And it encompasses not just insects but pathogens, weeds and vertebrate pests as well. So things like deer in the field or birds on feedlots. So IPM practitioners are a really diverse group. So IPM programs can occur in concert with a spectrum of different pest management schemes. So everything from a conventional soybean farmer to a biodynamic Vineyard manager can all utilize integrated pest management strategies. So it's not limited to biodynamic producers. You know, it includes conventional growers as well as everyone in-between on that spectrum of management. So just to wrap it up, I think for me, IPM means utilizing all the information that we have available, like pest biology, environmental factors, economic considerations and management strategies to help growers optimize egg production systems. And I think, you know, Keith is going to talk more about enviroweather, but I think enviroweather puts together a few of the pieces of that IPM puzzle really well for producers in Michigan. So that's a huge resource for us when we are looking to have a successful IPM program on our farm. I wanted to direct everybody to our web-page at MSU. It's pretty straight forward, so it's And when you hit the main page, what you'll see up at the top is a different topic areas under IPM. So there's agriculture, home and garden and bases. And I just want to show you just a couple of these today and what's available underneath those different subheadings. So if you click through to the agriculture tab, you'll see actual crop specific content. So if you're not sure, I mean, we're pretty easy at MSU with the name needs, so it's cherries.msu,edu,, but this is another way to get to that crop specific IPM information. There's also an opportunity here to sign up for pest management updates. When you actually go in here, you can select a myriad of topic areas. So you can select by IPM or you can select by cropping system. You can also get information about other programs at MSU that might be of interest to you. And essentially what that creates is an email that comes to you on a semi-regular basis that says this is what's going on. These are the cropping reports, these are the upcoming events and things like that. There's also a link under this page for the Integrated Pest Management Academy. That's an online course that we have available that's self-paced. So you essentially login when you have time, you complete what you have time for and you can come back at your own convenience. It is an interactive course and it has a lot of topics, so I just listed basically what I could fit on the slide there. But it is very IPM centric. It is a broader perspective on IPM, but there's also some modules that are focused on things like scouting and different cropping systems. So we try to get a little more specific with the practical hands-on portion. There are RUP credits and we're offering six right now and it's $10. So it's a pretty good deal also if you're looking for some credits here. If you click through it to the invasives page, there's this shortlist of kind of what's hot , what are people looking for information for, and then there's usually a longer list over here on the right of just general invasive species. What I really appreciate about this page is it's kind of a one stop shop for relevant, up-to-date information. So you know, you read, like in the local paper that spine a lantern fly has been found, you know, and, and you start to peruse the web. So what you'll find is there'll be information from other states or old dated information or you can't really tell when the information was created, so you feel like less than secure with it. What I love about this page is the reliability that this is the most up-to-date information that MSU has on these invasive pests. So as you all know, this is an ongoing and kind of escalating situation for us in agriculture. Where we're seeing more and more invasive pests. And I just encourage you as you're looking for information, visit this location. It'll also help you identify the specialists that are working on these specific invasives here in Michigan, so if you click through, for instance, the spotted wing drosophila, you can see there's fact-sheet and videos, monitoring information, and educational meetings, contact people as well as information on a response team. And the weekly reports around now. So in the season they do these weekly SWV, the reports that might be relevant to you on your farm. So lots of great information on the invasive species. help page. We also have resources around wildlife management. So I think admittedly, wildlife management has been a portion of IPM that we maybe haven't address as thoughtfully, over the last decade at least. And we've been really working on bolstering our information around pest management as it relates to wildlife. So this page actually has a series of fact sheets that can help you identify what type of damage it talks about the biology of the different animals or birds in and what they might be doing on the farm. It also has the agency contact information for the relevant regulatory agency. So as we all know, it can get really confusing. Do I call DNR, is this Wildlife Services who has jurisdiction here. So this can help you make that call. There's also a series of pre recorded webinars. If you scroll down the page, they have things like protecting aviaries from black bears, deer management on the farm. So there's some really great webinars and there's also a relative relevant news article. So one of the most popular ones we have is called Do I need a permit? So that's if you need to use lethal force for control with wildlife, do I need a permit? And if I do, who do I need to call. So if we can be helpful in any way with those issues, which are very complex issues, please let us know. I think we've been working hard to develop good working relationships with those agencies. So if we can help you, we'd love to. There's also information on this page on the pesticide safety and education program at MSU. They have a new online review course that really kinda came out of the pandemic situation that offers continued ed credits for those who need it, but can also help you prepare to take the test. This is also where you can find training materials, where you can order those training materials. If you know the core manual review guide as well as the category credit guides. And they can also help provide label guidance. So right on the main landing page here is the information for John Stone. I read a lot of pesticide labels when I have a question, I call John Stone. So John is really our expert on label interpretation and kind of legal guidance on what those labels are saying and what the rules are in Michigan. So I highly encourage you, if you have questions or concerns about a label or a pesticide to get a hold of John. We also have a link for the MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostic services. Again, this is one of the crew at MSU that when I can't identify a weed or I'm unsure of what pathogen is causing an issue, I can send the sample into our diagnostics lab and get a response from them. It's really reasonably priced. I think it's usually around $20 or $25 to get a sample analyzed. They also do soil and tissue samples for things like nematodes. They'll identify insects, mites, ticks, spiders and other arthropods. Plant and Weed Identification and they also do some limited herbicide resistance screening. So if you suspect you have herbicide resistance, there's actually some free programs going on right now for resistance screening. I encourage you to contact them. Our page is also a place where you can ask a question of an expert. So we have a question wrangler that gets these questions to the right people and response to you through an online forum. You can also connect with our staff directory and you can look for people based on your county location or by topics. You can also just call your county office and say, Hey, I'm a corn grower and I have a question about this. They can get you in touch with the right person, but there are people at the University who will return your call. You can talk to a real human being and work through some of your pest management or frankly, other issues related to horticulture, irrigation or a number of different. So I do want to put a plug-in for enviroweather I don't think I'm legally allowed to give an IPM presentation without talking about enviroweather, but I don't want to delve into it and steel Keith's thunder, because I know he's going to talk a lot about enviroweather. But this is such a critical tool for us in implementing IPM in Michigan. And it's really an amazing opportunity for growers. So it's a network of weather stations around the state that collect weather data. And they put it in the things like crop and pest models. And it gives you essentially local information about what's happening. This is one of, I think, the nicest, most robust systems of its type in the world, frankly. And you can look up current and historical data. I'm a huge enviroweather fan. And so I'm looking forward to hearing from Keith today. I pulled the landing page picture here from the new site. So they are transitioning from kind of the old interface to a new interface. And I know Keith's got a lot of great training and information that's going to be coming out about that as well. So I'm looking forward to that. So Eric, if you wouldn't mind pulling up a couple of IPM. Oh, you're so fast! So one of the questions I had about pest management that I wanted to ask you guys was, what is your biggest pest management concern on the farm? Now I know this is not going to encompass every pest management concern that you might have. But at a basic level, you know what, what kind of keeps you up at night or what is a concern. So is it a lack of effective pesticides due to resistance or limited modes of action or regulatory limitations. Is it an invasive or emerging pest? Are you concerned about conserving beneficial insects and ecosystem services so natural enemy as pollinators, soil microbes. Are you having issues with vertebrate passed? And then I also wanted to talk about shifting weather patterns. So we saw in the talk, if you were at Jeff Vandries' talked earlier, he talked about the amount of kind of wetting periods we're having, which is something we think about when the disease world we have more disease pressure, more plant stress from some of our weather patterns we're seeing. So I can't see Eric if they're done answering questions, but whatever you think it's good to move on, maybe we can. Can we see this helpful. Yes. This is great. Oh, interesting. So I thought probably you guys might pick one and five. So this is a really helpful information. Thanks for taking the time to do that. Alright, and then the next question, the only other question I had for you guys, is about barriers to adopting IPM practices. So even if your extension agent comes to you and says, hey we have this great new practice, what are the things that kind of stop you from thinking about a document? The first one is the feasibility of the practice. Is it too costly? Does it take too much time and is it just a pain in the neck. Is it complex. Do you feel in some instances like IPM practices don't exist, we're just spraying pesticides. There's no multifaceted approach. Are there regulatory or purchaser norms, USDA quality standards, right? So what if they have a zero tolerance policy for larvae and fruit at harvest for example, does that make us more risk adverse, right? Cultural or practical barriers. So are your existing systems or equipment not compatible with you IPM practices. Is there momentum. This is how my dad always did it. So this is how I'm going to do it. Or even we mow the row middles, because our orchard looks messy and we don't want our neighbors to think we're not caring for our orchard. Those types of things that might influence rather you're adapting an IPM. Visibility has definitely won out on that. Yeah, I think that economic time and usability component is something we really need to refocus on as, as researchers and extension people. So thanks again for taking the time to do that. Thank you, Eric. So that's what I brought today. I want to thank you for your feedback on those poll questions. If you have any input for me or insight, I've put my e-mail address up there. Again, just encourage you to visit the website and check out what we have available for IPM and MSU. Thank Sarah, and it's exactly what I'd hope we'd be able to talk about this morning just to kind of give a good shotgun approach to what's going on with IPM at MSU. And it is a big, big factor obviously. And that's why we invited Keith to talk about enviroweather as well, because it's a, it's a great system and we'd like to see people be able to use it to the best of their ability. So thank you. Thanks. Okay. So next up, we're going to have Keith Mason talk a little bit about the enviroweather system in there and some of the things that it can do for tools for us for management. So Keith. All righty, I'm gonna share my screen here. Get the right display. Okay. So actually Erin gave me a great introduction and a good synopsis of enviroweather, we basically do weather-related information, we provide that for multiple crops. It's all for free and you get that online at our website. The original website is, and that's shown here on the right. As Erin mentioned, we are busy rebuilding completely, tore it down and rebuilt the new website. So what I wanna do today is to give you a shotgun view, as Bruce said about just to get introduced to this new website and where you can get weather information from here. So the new we have a test version of our new website that's public so you guys can, can check it out and we did it this way so that we'd be able to get some feedback from, from users on how they navigate the website or if they find that things aren't straight forward or easy to understand. And then we need to know that that information. But that, that has been released, it's live. I encourage everybody here to to go to this website and you can sign up for a free account which will give you access to certain features. And it'll give you a kind of a heads up as we transition to the new website or our current version is going to stay live definitely through the 2021 growing season. Probably the 2022 growing season is looking like we might have that in there as well. Now, the new website is based on our feedback that we got from users on our original website. And the two main areas that we worked on were mobile displays, kinda making it easier to navigate on a mobile device. Because half of the people that are looking at enviroweather doing that on a, on a mobile device. And then just in general to make it easier to navigate. And we have a strategy for that. It's, it requires a little bit of setup, but in the end it's going to make things more straightforward for you to find just the information that you need so you won't have to search through. One of the cool features that we put in now, since we're in a transition, is that the models are linked. So the new version of the model has a link that will take you back to the old website and the version of the model that's there so that you can see what we were doing. And then that's going to help you get familiar with what the, what the new website model looks like so that things are definitely going to look different. So things, it will take a little bit of of kind of retraining and getting used to what we have. I have to point out that this is totally a work in progress. What you'll see today is, it's stuff that we're working on so things can change over time. But this was our best approach for, for getting feedback and getting things out for you guys. And then on our website, most models start on March 1st. So if we go and now we'll get messages that say, Hey, this doesn't start until March 1st. So we can look in the past though. So you can use the website to look at last year. And I think that's going to give you also a good bit of information on how to use the website. And I'll take you through some of that stuff as we, as we go through the actual demo portion here. This is just a view of what the what our website looks like on a mobile display. The, and it's much easier to navigate all the menu stuff is going to be up here on this little button here, as you'd normally see on a lot of websites. And then I mentioned that this is a totally different look for us. It functions differently. So there's going to need to be some, some kind of training and a learning curve for this. So there are ways to get information. We've got user guides. We have webinars like we're doing now that We will also set up focus groups for, for training groups of, of growers and users for for particular groups. So we'll try to focus it for, for group one, group or another. Now that those those training sessions will all be advertised on the MSU Extension e-newsletter service. There's a link for that here and I'll put all these links in the chat after, after my talk. And then kind of a cool thing that we put into this as a feedback form. And we'll get a look at two, where that's at. And then always my contact information here. If you're having problems with, uh, one of the models, or you want a little bit more information, or you think you found a bug on the website, not in your field. If there's a you can do that through the feedback form or my direct contact information here. So before I go into that to the website demonstration, I wanted to just mention a couple of further projects or future projects. Obviously a lot of it is going to be website development. We still have models to code from the, from the original website to put them on the new website. So so we'll have to do some of that. We have a few new models and development. We're adding more forecast data. And then we have to redo our, our data on-demand feature where you can actually export data from one of our stations for long periods of time. And then we're building in a system for weather and pest alerts that should come to your, to your phone or to your email. And then in the field we've got station upgrades. This is kind of a constant thing that we do, but one of the things we're trying to do is to increase the power supply. So make larger or give them larger solar panels and larger batteries. So that we can have more frequent communication and we can have more communication throughout throughout the year basically. So because we tend to run low on power when we have these great Michigan winters that we're known for here. And then this last one I wanted to put in here because this is a major project that we're embarking on and we've applied for funding to develop a system whereby we can take weather data from private weather stations are personally, personal weather stations, ones you can buy for $1,000 or $2,000. There are some models that we can get the data from. They're basically stations that companies that have a web while website that you can get your data from. So we're going to work with weather stations where that's a possibility. And we'll, we'll, we'll kind of update all the industries as that goes along with, but is something that has been requested. And now we're working on that, the infrastructure to do that. So now it's time to do a little demo. Again, these are the two websites, the old on the left, the the new website on the right, there's a link that can take you to that new website right here on the front page. And we're going to go ahead and do that here. Here's our, our view of the the website. So I'm clicking on that to get it to load up. And this is our new look. I'm already logged in because my browser remembers me and this is a really nice feature so that it might help you with make logging in a little bit easier. But this is where you will also register before you actually have an account, you'll come here. This is the screen you'll see. And the register process is very simple. Name, phone, email, and you enter your password and accept the terms. But I'm not going to run through that now. I'll let you guys do that in and I encourage you to do it. It's a free account. And it'll give you access to features here like the dashboard and being able to watch models and things like that. So the first time you login or when you login, the first thing you see is your dashboard. And your dashboard is where you're going to save all the models and weather stations that are important for you to know, hey, what's going on, on your farm. So I've set this up a little bit here. So I've already got some stations that I'm watching. So the, that the station, the active station is the one that's going to be used to run all the models that you've saved on your dashboard. Okay, So that's what, that's what the active station is and you can change it with this little scroll button down here. Now, I'll talk about custom sites in just a little bit here. But, so now whatever the active station is, oops, sorry. So I chose because topless as our active station here. But whenever we open up a model on our dashboard, you can see that it runs it for whatever active station you have. So that's kind of where I guess making it easier. So you don't have to choose a station and then choose the model, that sort of thing. But adding things to your dashboard, you can do it through your settings. So your settings are used to set up your dashboard. And this is like the storehouse of all the weather stations. So adding things or are as simple as just clicking on the watch button. We'll see throughout the website and I'll, I'll show you some shortcuts for doing this in a little bit here. But all the stations that I'm watching are the ones, excuse me, are on my on my dashboard here. So I just added the elegant station. So now we have that as a choice for, for running models. And then adding model, adding a pastor or or weather models is, is straightforward as well. You choose the pest and crop models from the settings. And now your, the ones that I'm already watching or up at the top. But then these are all the other ones that you can choose for all the other crops. Which you can kind of scroll down a little bit and add the mobs in that way. And then here's that watch button again. So I click Watch and that adds that into my watched pest prompt and models. So, so now that's going to be available on my dashboard. And whenever I want, I can open that up and get the results for that. Now here's an instance where this model starts on March 1st. So we can actually get data on our dashboard yet. But we can go look at it on the the main web-page. Yeah, so that's that's the basics. That's really all I want to say. I don't I know it's very brief about the the settings and the dashboard. Know that they, they look very similar. So you'll know you're on the dashboard by the light green highlighting. Or if you're on the settings, that button there is going to be highlighted. So that'll help you discern where you're at because they do look very similar. But I think that's that's all I wanted to do now I think that gives you enough to, to explore. But now I want to kinda take more of a general tour of the website. So and you can do this without logging in, without having account. So the problem is you won't be able to save things as you go through. But the, probably the most important thing I need to show you is the information menu. And this is, this is where our feedback form is. So you can send, you can send me notes about if you think you found a bug or, or having issues or you'd like to see an improvement on a model. But probably more importantly are the user guides. So what I've done is written out a list of instructions that are step-by-step that take you through setting up an account, setting up your dashboard, adding some models and stations as examples, that kind of thing. So this is, this is a step-by-step approach to to getting things set up here. So also what I'm, what I'm going to show you here today, you'll see some shortcuts. Now are, are dry or navigation menu is here up at the top. Again, there's, there's this dashboard button that anytime you click that, it's going to take you into your dashboard. So keep that in mind for, for a way to get into that quick views of your models. But our weather menu, I'm going to leave this to you to kind of explore largely on your own. But I want to show you our media gram, which is the graphical display of weather information. Really what I want to show you is that all of the models that we have, I mentioned this before that there's a version on the new website and a version on the old website. So you can go back and forth to kind of get a refresher on what, what the original model was and what it looks like now and in the new in the new format. And then on the old site too, you can preview things on the new site. So if you want to still navigate around the new site or the old site, then you can click out and check some things out on our, on our new site as well. So the media grams those are, are just very, I don't know. I like looking at the weather in graphical format. This is one of the areas too, that we're going to add forecast data into as well to try to, to try to make it a little more all encompassing for folks. Overnight temperatures is I'm clicking on this one because we actually don't have that built in the new website, but it takes you to the version in the old website. So even using the new website, you can still get to everything in the old website there. So so just to let you know that if the tools aren't built, there'll be a way to, to see those. Now I know corn and alfalfa is probably something that works for the group we're talking to today. So this is one of the weather models that shows growing degree days and rainfall as a daily summary with corn and alfalfa in mind. So we use the growing degree days that are normally used for alfalfa as 41 and then 50, which is actually the 8650 version of the growing degree days, growing degree day calculations for corn. So this table is just an abbreviated version. So we have them coming in as a, as a short version just because of display. And we want this to display well on a phone, but you can click any row and get all the information for that particular row. So and that's daily growing degree days, cumulative growing degree days, daily rainfall, cumulative rainfall as well. So so that's one and this looks at it. It shows up very well on a phone, so you can kinda get that information quickly. You can also simplify the table and then it shows you all the rows, but you'll have to scroll back and forth. But that's, that's kind of one of the cool features of our tables now. And also these green highlights tell us that these are all forecast data. So we have five days of forecast, and that's for temperature. And it includes today as well because we don't have all the, the temperature there. Now see how we're doing timewise or you're coming to the end. So, so basically this is how we've set up our tables and you can sort them on by clicking on the columns here. I'm seeing we're running a little short on time. I do want to show you, let me just show you this the corn evapotranspiration tool because it's, it's actually kind of a cool deal and we'll look at it from last year. Well, actually I think we can do this now. Oh, we can't. So this tabulates progress through the season for, for corn. And we also have another, another version for, for soybean. But you can track the progress of growth along with how much evapotranspiration is occurring based on that in there. So so actually this is probably something that would take a little bit more time to to explain here. So I think I probably need to to end my descriptions here. But you should be able to, you know, you can go through the crops menu to get to all these tools. So for now I think it's probably best to leave you guys to go ahead and explore on your own. And I'll just pull back up a quick, thank you. Slide. Oops. Here. And I don't think we're going to have time to do those those questions, Eric, I don't know what you're feeling. Is there things have run over a bit. We probably won't have time to do the actual poll, but we can do is put those out on the web or on the email to those participants so we can get it, that survey to actually be conducted them at a later time. So that'll work out fine Keith. Okay. And other quick question, I guess in there. We're running a little bit short on time, my power had a little bit of a spike, and I didn't have the uninterruptible power supply. So yeah, sorry. I know we talked a little bit Keith talked a little bit about the different weather stations and there you get. Can you give just a brief kind of overview real quick? Yeah. I'd stop sharing stop sharing your screen. Keith, if you could, and then we'll let Younsuk go on there. We've only got a few minutes, but I do kind of want to cover what we can? All right. Good. Thank you. Okay. Can you see my presentation yet, yep, it's right there. Okay. Okay. Good. All right. So yes. So I'll do just a couple minute. So we have been working on and developing this low cost sensor monitoring system that can measure continuous city for an extensive values and then send their extensive various data to the IoT cloud web server that the sensors we've been we've been testing at this LOCOMOS is the soil moisture levels and sensors and the temperature, humidity, and the leaf wetness sensors and and that's those are the main sensors we've been working on. The production cost of this unit is about $500 to $700, depending on what kind and how many sensors you are connected to the scale ogre. And you can connect up to the six and the extensors and seven, these are sensors. And that typically is soil moisture and leaf wetness or analog sensors and and the temperature, humidity and rain buckets are the sensors. So I hope you don't hear the background noise. But anyway, yeah, these are just the overview of the sensors. So, uh, basically the the sensor, these LOCOMOS is, it's collecting data, is send the data to the cloud webserver. And currently we are working on adding some the model algorithm to this and this IoT platform to analyze and process the data. I think more irrigation specialist were, interesting in the know or soil moisture sensor. So you wish to know what changed over time. So we do put sensors in their corn and soybeans and potatoes. And some of them I think we've been using to pressure sensors and looking for using the GPS tracking device and then send it to, to find out when the irrigation was on and off, and and this is the sensor. Data is helping us to understand what environment the condition that is potentially impacting the, the plant disease. So I think that's kind of a quick summary of what I what I had been doing. So I'm, I'm sorry for my power failure this morning. Younsuk, We got a spike in the in the Wi-Fi and I lost my connection there for a minute. I think I slowed everybody down. I don't know because I wasn't here, but I'm glad to be back. But I'm very happy that you could share a little bit about what you've been doing on the sensor project. We've certainly used that a lot in corn, corn production lately to look at tar spot conditions and what can be important in the field to be able to deal with that. So thanks for joining us this morning. I'm sorry that you're presumed to be short in that process as well, so Well, as I'm checking my time here, it looks like we're getting kind of close to the end of this thing. We do have some questions in the chat portion of this in there. So I have a question from Indiana that texts, How many meso scale stations make up the Michigan enviroweather network. Keith, if you're on, do you know how many stations we have now currently we have a 101 stations now. Yep. Yep. So that's quite a few to keep track of. Yeah. I mean, you guys I have some in Northern Indiana, or not in Indiana, but in Northern Wisconsin. So we do have some in Wisconsin, too. Yeah, they contacted us. They liked our system and and so yeah, we set up a contract with them to to add those in. So yep. Very helpful. There was a question in there about is there a capability within enviroweather to actually have a way to record the sprays that they put on? We never talked about it. We have and I think our our general feeling is that that might open us up to some legal issues if we're recording spray records. Just because well, I'm not I'd have to talk to John Stone probably about this. But the , ya it just it wasn't we weren't able to take on the record keeping portion of it initially because we didn't have these account setup like we have fully now, there might be ways to add notes in some of the models, but I'd, I'd have to look to that and we probably would be something that we'd have to add. But as of right now where we're not planning on it and not or adding recordkeeping in there in that full sense. So the Internet is pretty sketchy. Yes, I can attest to this morning, although ours is really pretty good normally, I think it was a power issue here. But in a lot of rural areas. So you guys are using cell technology to download, upload download data in that process? That's correct. Yeah, It all goes over the cellular network. It's Verizon's network. So we're subject to all of their updates and outages and those sorts of things that we can't control unfortunately. So yeah, but but yeah, that generally it works pretty well overall though. Generally , Younsuk, I know you get your system is also the same way it it uploads data to the Cloud, right? Yes. Yep. Yep. And so that was good. I was just going to say that that's that's the way that we're going to bring in these other stations and the LOCOMOS system that Younsuk just talked about, That's one of the ones that we're going to add in. So we're working together on a on another project for that too. So yeah, Well, exciting times for that stuff and I didn't ask you Keith, but I assume that we still have the data on demand features so that all of us four Ag Agents can still pull some data to make some graphs for local needs. Absolutely, yes, that stuff's all going to stay in until we can get a version that people say, Hey, that I like that, That works, or at least it does everything that the other one did. So now that the computer equipment that that is on is is aging. So we're trying to get it moved over to new servers as quickly as we can. But yeah, that's another of our another of our major projects. Well fantastic! Well folks, I think we're getting to the end of the hour here and we need to be able to wrap this up so that those of you that have RUP credits in their Eric is I believe put the or he will put the link to the survey in the chat box. If that's the case, we will have you go ahead and fill out that survey for us if you will. It is the kind of the link to the RUP as well as the also the to give us feedback on the presentations and what do you think overall of the program this morning? So we really definitely appreciate all of this stuff and appreciate your efforts and joining us today. We do need to close down this session for a brief moment to allow the register to record the folks that have been here for the RUP credits. And so we will allow that to happen and hopefully you can rejoin us in a few moments and we'll, we'll continue our discussion on weather and kind of a roundtable with some MSU educators and specialists, Tim, Timothy Horrigan to talk a little bit about what we, we see for potential issues, how to, how to deal with some of the extreme weather that we've seen lately. So with that, I will close the session and we'll see you guys in a few minutes. Thank you.