Cover crops news, programming and other resources from MSU Extension.

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Cover Crops for Prevented Planting

Challenging weather in the spring can have farmers considering alternatives to their cropping plans including prevented planting. The MSUE Cover Crop Team recommends planting cover crops on prevented planting acres to avoid further soil degradation and improve soil resiliency. Guidance on the use of cover crops for prevented planting  can be found at Cover Crops for Prevented Planting.

Corn and Soybeans as Cover Crops Following Prevented Planting

Michigan State University Extension recognizes as agronomically sound the use of corn and soybeans as cover crops following a prevented planting crop in Michigan. The article providing guidance on their use can be found at Corn and soybeans as cover crops following prevented planting

The MSUE Cover Crop Team is a resource to assist with cover crop use.

View the team members here.

2020 Cover Crop Virtual Field Day! Access the Virtual Field Day Map here!

This Virtual Cover Crop Field Day discusses the why and how of inter-seeding cover crops into standing corn. All field crop producers, agribusiness professionals, government agency personnel and others interested in field crops production and management are encouraged to view this virtual field day. Benefits, challenges, planting, yield, and herbicide interactions will be discussed in a regional manner, considering research in Southwest Michigan, Central Michigan, the thumb, Northwest Michigan, and the UP. The link above takes you to map which allows the you to access any or all of these sites and the associated materials.

MSU is dedicated to understanding how cover crops best function and enhance various production systems through innovative research and extension efforts. Follow us on twitter to stay up to date on all the latest cover crop news. Use #MSUcovercrops to connect with us!

This work is supported by the Crop Protection and Pest Management Program 2017-70006-27175 from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

  • Cover Crop Termination

    Published on April 22, 2024
    Developing a termination strategy for cover crops is an essential part of the planning process to ensure there is no interference with the planting or management of the subsequent cash crop.


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