About Us


map of africa with eleven countires higlighted

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research is a five-year research capacity building development program managed by Michigan State University that focuses on grain legumes in West and Southern Africa.

Legumes are a nutrient-dense staple crop that have multifunctional roles in smallholder farm systems in developing countries including food and nutrition security, generating income, providing livestock feed and fodder, and contributing to the sustainability of soil systems through their nitrogen-fixing capabilities. Cowpea and common bean are the focal crops of the Legume Systems Innovation Lab.

The strength of the Legume Systems Innovation Lab’s design lies in its innovative and vibrant research to scaling strategy using a systems approach with the goals of:

  • Inclusive and sustainable agriculture-led economic growth,
  • Strengthened resilience among people and systems,
  • A well-nourished population, especially among women and young children.

To achieve these goals, the Legume Systems Innovation Lab will focus on opportunities that address nutrition, the unique needs of women and youth, ensure greater resilience of people and systems under stress and shocks, and contribute to the development of human and institutional capacity for a resilient agricultural innovation system.

Feed the Future was established as the U.S. government’s Global Hunger and Food Security Initiative. Feed the Future is managed by the US Agency for International Development and funded with the generous support of the U.S. people.

For more information please download our Program Fact Sheet.