Lake Data

MiCorps Data Exchange Network -The MiCorps web-based data exchange platform provides online access to volunteer monitoring data through a searchable database.  Please select the type of search you would like to perform.

Status and Trends Inland Lake Habitat Viewer - In order to assess the quality of fish habitat across Michigan’s inland lakes, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Division collects data through its Status and Trends program. This map viewer provides information from that program so you can assess habitat conditions in lakes across the state, identify threats to fish habitat, and take action to stop these threats. 

How's My Waterway - The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), in partnership with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses How's My Waterway to provide access to nationwide water quality monitoring data. Search on the community, state, or national level to see data corresponding to fish consumption, swimming and recreation, and drinking water. This replaces Michigan's former MiSWIM tool.

Department of Natural Resources Inland Lake Maps - Michigan boasts more than 11,000 inland lakes. Here you can access 2,700 inland lake maps online. Click on a county for a list of inland lakes in that county.