Genus Eudorylaimus

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Suborder Dorylaimina

Superfamily Dorylaimoidea

Family Qudsianematidae

Genus Eudorylaimus

“Cuticle smooth or finely striated. Lip region offset, lips distict.  Odontostyle about as long as lip region witdth or slightly longer, its aperture less than half its length; guiding ring simple.  Pharynx expanded near middle or slightly behind.  Female reproductive apparatus didelphic.  Vulva transverse, rarely longitudinal; refractive part of vagina well sclerotized.  Males frequent; supplements variable in number, not contiguous; pre-cloacal space present; sperm fusiform.  Tail conoid, straight or ventrally bent, in both sexes.  Most species are terricolous and some have been found in freshwater habitats.” Vinciguerra, 2006 (in book Freshwater Nematodes eds Eyualem-Abebe et al.) 

The Genus Eudorylaimus was found at KBS/LTER, Michigan by Quintanilla Tornel (2006, 2007 or 2008 sampling).


Vinciguerra, M.T.  2006.  Dorylaimida Part II: Superfamily Dorylaimoidea.  In: Eyualem Abebe, Traunspurger W., and Andrassy I. (eds) Freshwater Nematodes: Ecology and Taxonomy. CABI Publishing, Cambridge, MA, pp. 392-467 

Powers T. and P. Mullin. Plant and Insect Parasitic Nematodes. University of Nebraska Nematology Website.