Genus Tylencholaimellus

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Family Tylencholaimidae

Genus Tylencholaimellus  

N.A. Cobb in M.V. Cobb, 1915
 syn. Pharetrolaimus de Man, 1921

“Definition:  Leptonchidae.  Spear with extra dorsal stiffening peice and 3 strongly knobbed extensions.  Oesophagus a slender tube with short terminal bulb offset by a distinct constriction.  Vulva far forward on body; gonad single, posterior, reflexed; anterior branch a rudimentary sac or absent.  Pre-rectum present.  Spicules frail where known, dorylaimoid, with lateral guiding pieces.  No gubernaculum.  Supplements consisting of an adanal pair and a single ventro-median one.  Tails of both sexes alike where both are known; hemispheriod to bluntly rounded.  The genus is distinguished by the extra stiffening piece on the spear.” From Goodey 1963 and Powers and Mullin website



Goodey T. and J.B. Goodey. 1963. Soil and Freshwater Nematodes.  Butler and Tanner Ltd, London, Great Britain

Powers T. and P. Mullin. Plant and Insect Parasitic Nematodes. University of Nebraska Nematology Website.