2023 Earth Engineers Camp Day 2

Bees, gardening and dam building!

Welcome to day 2 of camp! Our engineers are having a blast

Native Bee Hotels


These bees are going to be living in style! Campers made a cute bee hotel out of toilet paper rolls and rolled newspaper. They all got super creative with what they drew on the hotels. It’s a good spot for our bees to hang out because it mimics a beehive.

Garden time!


Our campers headed to the Edu Garden to meet our amazing master gardener volunteers. They showed them how to make a spider web and a spider ring they can take home. Their spiders turned out so cute!

Duck duck… goose? Just kidding!


Not today! As an animal chore, campers cleaned the duck pen and their pool so they can happily swim around. There were six total eggs that they collected too!

STEAM: Hurricane House


Day two of working on our hurricane house. Campers started bringing their drawings to life now and building their houses. I love how creative campers have gotten with this STEAM project.     



Campers explored the contents of a vermicomposting bin. They handled worms to discover how they move and react to stimuli. Campers will discuss how worms are important to soil and ecological health.

Beaver Dams


Have you ever seen a beaver dam in your nearby stream? They’re something that blocks or slows down the flow of water in a river or stream. Dams are also a place for the beavers to live and protect them from predators like wolves, coyotes, or mountain lions. Campers are going to get mud, tree branches, grass and more to build their own beaver dam!

Garden Kitchen: sun butter and jelly taco & Dill and olive oil sauteed carrots


Today was yet another popular snack- sun butter and jelly taco! Many of the campers gave a million thumbs up for the snack. In the afternoon they made yummy sautéed carrots with dill and olive oil.


That’s a wrap on day two, check out our photo album for more photos of your engineers:

Earth Engineers Photos


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