Special local needs labels renewed for long-season chlorothalonil use on potato in Michigan in 2020

Bravo Weather Stik, Bravo Zn, Echo 720 and Echo 90DF 24(c) labels are available.

Potato leaves exhibiting early and late blight symptoms
Potato leaves exhibiting early and late blight symptoms. In humid conditions, white, fuzzy sporulation is visible on the underside of late blight lesions. Photo by Jaime Willbur, MSU

After severe foliar disease outbreaks in recent years, potato growers continue to intensively manage their crops to prevent future epidemics. Growers rely heavily on chlorothalonil products for managing foliar diseases, including early blight and late blight, which continue to be an annual concern. Rotation of these fungicides in a management program also helps to mitigate pathogen resistance development while offering broad spectrum disease control.

24(c) special local needs (SLN) labels are often necessary to ensure protection for the duration of the long growing season here in Michigan. To facilitate access to these products, Echo 720 and Echo 90DF SLN labels were recently renewed. Four chlorothalonil products are now registered for long- or full-season use in potato: Bravo Weather Stik, Bravo Zn, Echo 720, and Echo 90DF.

2020 24(c) SLN labels for Bravo Weather Stik, Bravo Zn, Echo 720 and Echo 90DF

Bravo WeatherStik label Bravo Zn web
Download Bravo Weather Stik label
EPA SLN No. MI-180006
Valid until Dec. 31, 2024
Download Bravo Zn label
EPA SLN No. MI-190003
Valid until Dec. 31, 2020
Echo 720 label Echo 90DF label
Download Echo 720 label
EPA SLN No. MI-180004
Valid until Dec. 31, 2024
Download Echo 90DF label
EPA SLN No. MI-180003
Valid until Dec. 31, 2024

Please contact MSU Potato and Sugar Beet Pathology or MDARD Pesticide Registration section at 517-284-5656 for more information.

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