Extension Specialist Receives MSU Extension Innovation Technology Award

Ehsan Ghane is the recipient of the MSU Extension Innovative Technology Award for his innovative technologies in educational programming, which has resulted in a positive response from stakeholders.

Ehsan Ghane receives Award

Ehsan Ghane is the recipient of the MSU Extension Innovative Technology Award for his innovative technologies in educational programming, which has resulted in a positive response from stakeholders.

Ghane is an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. Ghane has created eight drainage design tools to help stakeholders avoid underperformance drainage issues and increase producers' bottom line. The tools, some of which have only been online since May 2021, have attracted nearly 900 unique users from May 2021 to April 2022. His counterparts in other Midwest states now use some of these tools in their drainage design workshops. His Drain Spacing Tool was vital in securing external funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Ghane uses his innovative technologies at the Michigan Drainage Design Workshop, where he teaches drainage design for crop production and water-quality protection. During that workshop, he used the tools to offer a modern and simplistic approach to drainage design.

Ghane has developed nine educational videos to teach conservation practices and drainage design concepts. The videos have attracted more than 800 views on MSU Extension's Field Crops channel on YouTube.

He has developed the Drainage Extension website, which provides education and practical solutions to drainage issues. The first of its kind in Michigan, the website hosts his other innovative technologies, including tools, videos, and Extension bulletins. People from more than 20 countries have visited the website.

The Innovative Technology Award is appropriate and deserving of recognition for Ehsan Ghane's accomplishments. He also won the national award of Young Extension Professional for his outstanding educational programming from the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers in 2022.

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