Podcast Real Science Exchange Interviews MSU ANS Grad Students and Postdocs

Balchem interviews award winners and features highlighted research from the ADSA Annual Meeting over the course of 3 segments.

Balchem interviews award winners and features highlighted research from the ADSA Annual Meeting over the course of 3 segments. Listen to the podcasts here:

ADSA Research Winners Live at the Ice Cream Social: features interviews with Alisson Da Mota Santos (Masters Poster Award for presentation on effectiveness of GnRH as a resynchronization tool in lactating dairy cows) and Thaina Minela (PhD Oral Competition Winner for presentation on pregnancy loss in lactating cows inseminated following estrus compared to the fertility program Double-Ovsynch)

Episode 48—ADSA Balchem Highlighted Research: features Turner Schwartz, postdoc in Dr. Bradford’s lab

Episode 48—ADSA Balchem Research of Interest: features Kristen Gallagher, Jair Parales Giron, and Jonas de Souza. Jonas got his PhD with Dr. Lock and is now in industry.


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