New Economy

On this page:

Better Designs for Development in Michigan; Putting Conservation into Local Land Use regulations

This reviews conservation design principals for development in Michigan.  Development approaches such as clustering, open space preservation, through use of use of Planned Unit Development and Michigan Land Division Act tools are explained.  This pamphlet introduces the conservation planning/design concept, the need for a community to envision its future, identification of conservation lands, conservation zoning, and a four step process for conservation design.

Better Designs for Development in Michigan; Putting Conservation into Local Land Use regulations

The Problems with Large Lot Zoning

Large lot, or parcel, requirements in zoning is often popular for developing communities and seems like a natural approach to manage growth. But requiring larger parcels (2 to 5 or 10 acres) may have undesirable long term consequences such as a weaker tax base, inability to afford upkeep of infrastructure, loss of rural character, and environmental problems. This essay explores these issues to help local government officials to form public policy for their community.

The Problems with Large Lot Zoning

Conservation Easements

This pamphlet reviews conservation easements as a means to protect natural areas, conservation values of land, open space, and so on. It covers the tax credits involved, development impacts, pros and cons to doing so, and lists Michigan Land Conservancies and Land Trusts.

Conservation Easements

Form Based Codes and Michigan Zoning Enabling Acts

With neo-traditional development, and development attempting to follow traditional patterns, a new type of zoning is starting to catch on in Michigan: Form-Based Code, or Form-Based Zoning. This type of zoning places more emphasis on the design (form) of development and redevelopment and less on the type of use. This pamphlet is to discuss its legal application under Michigan's zoning enabling statutes.

Form Based Codes and Michigan Zoning Enabling Acts

Michigan Local Government: New Economy Preparation Checklist

Michigan Local Government: New Economy Preparation Checklist