Russet Varieties

 Lakeview Russet (W9433-2rus)

is a dual purpose russet notable for its low tuber set (7-9 per plant) and rapid bulking. It has a consistent, blocky shape, with a high percentage of US No. 1 tubers. It was produced by the University of Wisconsin Potato Breeding Program.

Mountain Gem Russet (A03158-2TE)

is a medium maturing dual purpose russet suitable for production above the 45th parallel in Michigan. It has a larger tuber size profile and lower tuber set, with the potential for oversized tuber production. It is resistant to tuber late blight, common scab, and soft rot.


Reveille Russet (ATX91137-1RUS)

is a broadly adapted variety suitable for Michigan production. It has a longer tuber dormancy, resistance to tuber defects including hollow heart, growth crack, second growth, and shatter bruise. This variety has a longer dormancy, and growers should warm the seed at least six weeks prior to seed cutting.


Vanguard Russet (TX08352-5RU)

is a fresh market russet with early process potential in Michigan. It has an attractive oblong tuber type, uniform tubers, and a low percentage of oversize tubers. This variety has broad adaptability, with yields over 500 cwt/A recorded in both northern and southern Michigan.